2 Young
2 Young
| 28 April 2005 (USA)
2 Young Trailers

A young boy from a working-class family and a bored young girl from a rich family fall in love. When she gets pregnant , the teenagers have to escape from their disapproving parents.

SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
kicson_hui 2young is a story about a boy Fong Ka Fu(Jaycee Fong)with a not so well of family background and a rich and pretty girl Nam Lui(Fiona Sit)falling in love with each other.The story begins like this..Ka Fu fell in love with Nam but dare not tell her so everyday he went to Nam school-gate and waited for her to come out just to catch a glimpse of her.Graduatly Nam notice that Ka Fu always come to see her and once day,she came out earlier from school and surprised him while he was waiting for her.She invited Ka Fu to her school Christmas prom and on that day,Ka Fu really turned up and he asked Nam for her name.Nam did not tell him immediately and in the end Ka Fu was caught by the principle and punished to recite the Bible.When Ka Fu was let out of the school,he saw Nam waiting for him and he once again ask Nam for her name.Nam told him if he sent her home,she'll tell him.While at Nam's house,Ka Fu found out that Nam was actually a rich but lonely girl and he found out that on that day it was Nam's birthday so he celebrated Nam's birthday too.Their relationship grew closer and closer.Ka Fu invited Nam to a camping trip and on that night they fell in love with each other and had sexual intercourse. Not long after that Ka Fu' father(Eric Tsang)saw them dating and told his wife(Teresa Mo)and she invited Nam over to have dinner.Not long after,Nam found out that she was pregnant Ka Fu,Nam discussed and decided to go for a abortion,but Nam backed out at the last minute.Ka Fu parents got to know this and went to discuss with Nam's parents.Nam's father Lui Ken(Anthony Wong)was furious,he grounded Nam and cancelled all her communication devices.Nam a girl whose life was control by her parents since she was young longed for freedom.So she decided to leave home with Ka Fu.But they were spotted by Nam's mother.Nam's mother pleaded with Nam asking her to stay,but Nam did not want to.In a moment of soft heart,she let her go.Ka Fu and Nam with the help their friends they found a abandoned village and they settled down there waiting for the birth of their baby.Ka Fu thus went out to look for a job.He found a job as a construction worker,but he lost the job the next day because he was late.Soon he found a job as a gasoline transporter.Months passed,Nam's stomach grew.One day,while Ka Fu was delivering gasoline,a group of cyclers cycled by.So he decided to race against them,but it resulted in crashing his bicycle,losing the cylinders and even his job.During this period,Ka Fu and Nam's relationship grew further and further.Ka Fu did not tell Nam about him losing his job,resulting in a misunderstanding between them,but soon they cleared up the misunderstanding.So Ka Fu went to work as a car washer but was whack by a group of gangsters.Ka Fu got away with a bleeding gum.As he was walking pass a shop,he stole some of the chicken essences on sale outside,but was spotted and was caught by a patrolling policeman.In order to escape,he assaulted the policeman.Ka Fu's parents received a letter from the bank showing the amount balance left in Ka Fu's account.Ka Fu's father went to find Ka Fu's friend and pleaded with them to reveal where Ka Fu is.Ka Fu's parent went on a search for Ka Fu and Nam.They found the house where Ka Fu and Nam were staying by no one was home.They spotted Ka Fu when he was on his way back,they gave chase,Ka Fu and Nam ran of course and despite of Ka Fu's parent continuous shouts saying them are here to help them,Ka Fu and Nam kept running.Ka Fu's father shouted at Ka Fu saying them he didn't want Ka Fu to follow his old footsteps but in spite of all this years of teaching,Ka Fu did not learn anything.For that moment,Ka Fu's father told them wad he has done in his teens.Ka Fu and Nam realize their mistake and decided to go back with Ka Fu' parents.While at the village Nam broke her water bag,they rushed her to the hospital and luckily both Nam and her baby were find.But Ka Fu was arrested by the police for having sex with a 'under-age' girl.When Nam's parent were looking at their grandson,Nam's father heart softened at the sight of the baby.On the day of prosecution,Nam's father made a call to his apprentice asking to be Ka Fu's lawyer.On the trail,Nam's father told the truth that due to his anger and prejudice,he purposely told the police that Nam was under-age when she had sexual intercourse with Ka Fu,but in fact she was already 16.In the end,the judge(David Chiang)decided to send Ka Fu to the rehabilitation center for 3months.
dbborroughs Okay let me be honest. Under no circumstances would I have picked this movie up. I didn't like the art on the DVD cover and the plot didn't thrill me. The price however was under a buck so I figured I could risk trying something different just because it was cheap. Boy was I surprised, actually to be perfectly honest I enjoyed this movie more than I did most of the movies I've seen recently that I actually wanted to see.The plot of the film has a poor boy falling in love with a rich girl from a private school. Things happen and they soon have to deal with the fact that there's a baby on the way.The story is nothing new, however it doesn't follow the typical movie of the week formula. Sure there are complications, including a run in with the law because the girl is underage, but it doesn't always take the easy way out, indeed there is the possibility that after the credits roll that things may not be happy down the road. Still the film is very watchable.The film works for two reasons.First the writing of the characters is sharp. These are likable and real people. The early scene where the boy and his friends crash the school dance in order to find out the girls name is utterly charming.You connect with him and his lady love and are pretty well good to go from that point on. And as the film progresses you find you care about all of the characters you meet and you become interested in what happens to them.The other reason this film works is the cast. Across the board they are note perfect. Then again most of the actors are people who have been working in the Hong Kong industry for years and are good in everything.Is this the greatest film ever to come down the pike? No, of course not, but its a really nice, well acted little movie that odds are you'd pass over at the video store. This is one of those movies that makes it worth going off the usual cinematic menu and trying something different.
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