NR | 03 April 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
    Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    dale-51649 The story is about a brilliant lady lawyer with a "perfect" family. She has a loving husband and kids. The writers insert so many hyper-affectionate scenes between the family members they could induce vomiting. Some more cynical viewers might label it "family values porn". They are sort of a "Huxtable's on steroids", but with a pomposity only demonstrable by the Brits. The Moms is breadwinner, and the one with most of the brains, and all of the nobility and integrity. She is so righteous , self and otherwise, that it would seem appropriate to make a sign of the cross after each diatribe. Since she is incapable of doing anything wrong, you know the betrayal is coming from somewhere else. She seems to follow the golden rule "she who has the gold makes the rules" because everybody does whatever she says, especially the groveling trophy hubby.I haven't completed the series yet, and don't know if I have the stomach to or not. It has an interesting premise and good acting, so I keep watching. Its kind of like when you start eaating a frozen dish with a bad aftertaste, you know you will regret it, but you keep eating anyway. The storyline re a undercover guy not telling his wife about his job and making up a past could be good, if they had only written them as real people. Seeing a woman who has everything and every body in control have a life that comes undone could have been good, but it looses too much cred to the PC, SYRUPY cringe inducing scenes before it can get off the ground.
    Jonathan Capehart Absolutely loved this and no idea why so many people hate it. Sophie Okendo and Adrian Lester made a compelling team and the drama built impressively. Above all it was different. The plot was intricate and actually believable considering the time-line. The 1990's were a time when the police were often out of control and cover ups were the norm. Full marks.
    Donnell Williams This starts off slow, but that gives you a chance to catch up between flashbacks and real time. Excellent story line and acting. Cant wait to get through the season. The back story of fighting for justice and being good at what you do puts Maya in a position to GO BIG but turns her life up side down. Don't let the reviews of people being upset by the different story lines talk you out of not watching. All of the story lines are points of view that really gets to the meat of the series. Undercover is an apt title but I feel an even better title would be Undercover Betrayal. I'll admit, I was wondering why the movie started as it did, but as the series continues, I understand.
    Bene Cumb Last decade or so, the UK has produced so many versatile and dramatic (mini-)series that one must unavoidably compare and choose between them - as time is limited and eyes must relax from time to time. Sometimes you tend to forget what you have seen already - due to several recurrent actors, often in similar roles of coppers or crooks - the trend that is usually characteristic to smaller nations, in Scandinavia in particular.Undercover sets in rather intensely, but then it scatters and wears away somehow, and some standpoints and attitudes are pointed out too often and too strongly, but then the thrill resumes and last two episodes form a real cat-and-mouse play, without becoming too "explosive". True, using flashbacks with a little effort to change the performers' outfit and looks for the period of 20 years brings along unnecessary confusions and disruptions, but all the major performances, however, are good at least, and Maya Cobbina QC by Sophie Okonedo deserves more praise and attention she has achieved so far.The ending scenes are a bit odd, and the very ending made me the inspiration that another season would be launched, although there is no hint of it so far. Anyway, I would presumably find time for follow-up, but it is okay to cap off here as well. Let the big echelons be more visible in other series... :)