TV-MA | 13 February 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
    Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
    Richard First of all I am a Sopranos fanatic of the highest order, I've bought all the DVDs for all seasons. Hence with such a "refined" palate for the genre I really didn't have high expectations of this Aussie program. In fact when TV3 screened it earlier this year (or was it last year?) here in NZ, I missed it. I caught up with the recent rerun on the same TV channel (also bought the DVD). And boy! I'm glad I did because it is absolutely fantastic... Now, I saw a few "nah, it ain't all that" comments here but as 1)a Kiwi who is very frugal with any praise directed at anything or anybody Australian and 2)an out and out Sopranos fanatic I'll tell you this is one awesome show, right up there with the Sopranos. If anything, I think it's even better especially with its "life is even more mind-bogglingly stranger than fiction" story. Full credit to the film crew and sound editor; they nailed some emotionally- moving scenes with the cinematography and soundtrack. Underbelly is the only Mafia-style program/movie that has moved me to tears because of its poignant moments of futility, stupidity and sorrow. Bravo!!!
    Ozzy2000 The acting is pathetic and the series purports to be factual and it is far from the truth. Also not only do Australians not converse as depicted in this film nor did any of the characters in real life nor would they have.The film is full of gratuitous soft and dumb sex scenes. In addition and wealthy drug indulgence scenes of wimpy looking so called Australian "underworld" figures acting like absolute ponces with a arrogant conceited tones to their line delivery.The film demonstrates nothing about the human condition and the disjointed editing and meaningless "story line" requires continual narrative voice over to explain who is who and what is going on.The whole thing is absolute crap.
    myspunkyone Just wanted to respond to some people's comments on how bad Underbelly is, well it completely hooked me in! I was quite hesitant at first because I often don't go for Aussie dramas, but saw half of the first episode by chance and am officially addicted.Others have been saying it's like watching an episode of Neighbours, well maybe that's because so many of the actors in it had their starts in Neighbours or Home and Away. That's not to say the acting is as bad as in these soap operas. I was pleasantly surprised with the actor's abilities and portrayals of the characters. I was impressed with how many of the actors looked very similar to the people they were portraying.
    wildlime i thought this might be quite rushed. However I disagree with other comments here..Each episode drags you into the underworld of the famous gangland killings in Melbourne.I really like that Caroline Craig narrates. At points in this drama it does make you feel quite upset and also sad.There are a lot of familiar faces if you have watched Australian TV/movies before.I am currently up to episodes 8 and it's getting better with every episode.I think it takes a few episodes to get into it.