White Collar
White Collar
TV-PG | 23 October 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    cherylsmith-38247 I love this series! Can't stop watching it! I wish there were more seasons. It'd be great if they could bring the show back. I love each character and the relationships between each one of them. Love the setting in New York. Not to mention Matt is the hottest man to watch. I recommend this show. I'm so sad it ended.
    jamesfar-82795 I just finished White Collar on Netflix and I'm enamored by the writing, the acting, and the direction this show takes audiences. Its definitely a show for the ages. Bomer and DeKay are the perfect combo like Sinatra and Martin - genuine, intelligent, and flowing with charisma. The supporting cast are perfect. There was never a weak season in this show the only disappointment I had was the fact season 6 was cut short. Out of everything that this show has to offer besides talent, substance, and humor is the appearance of the beautiful and delightful, Hilarie Burton who makes seasons 2,3, and 4 the most watchable.
    Fontler I thought I'd give it a shot so I began with the pilot and about two weeks later I'd seen the entire show.One has to compare it to similar types of Sherlock Holmes-inspired shows like Castle, Lie to me, Mentalist, House, Suits, Chuck and so on. And I'd say it gets into the top 3!It's a bit much at times and it might have gone on for a couple of years to long, but it's worth the watch.What differs this from the others? Well it's basically have the same starting point as The Blacklist (2013), a criminal that knows better then the cops and helps them. What I REALLY like is that they've gone away from the modern "male/female" that we see in Mentalist, Castle and Blacklist to go back to the older Sherlock/Dr. Watson pairing we all know and love.The bond between Caffrey and Burke is amazing, it takes the turmoils you might expect and never gets to close. I simply love Tim DeKay in this role, he was made to play Peter Burke! Not that in love with Matt Bomer, the character is a bit over the top and the looks surpasses the talent.The supporting cast are all aces! Perfect assembly and you can't ask for more. Some sub-plots and sub-stories are awful and the all to predictable final season takes this down to a 7. But it's a strong 7 and I recommend this show!
    sidsnot-96449 Neal & Mozzie supposedly escape to the Cape Verde Islands. There are no green iguanas or brown pelicans located on or around Cape Verde Islands. Couldn't be bothered to do any research or just assumed that viewers were too stupid to realise? This kind of corner cutting is extremely annoying and insulting. Do most Americans assume that all tropical islands look like Costa Rica or Miami? This inattention to detail, like film makers always using the same frog soundtrack or the sound of the great northern diver, a.k.a. the common loon, regardless of where the scene is supposed to be, is an insult to the viewers' intelligence.
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