Trust Me
Trust Me
| 08 August 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    TheLittleSongbird 'Trust Me' did have potential to be good. The concept was intriguing enough and Jodie Whitaker and Sharon Small have done good work elsewhere. Unfortunately, while there are good things that stop it from being complete dreck, am going to have to join those expressing disappointment in this four-part series. Intriguing concept if done correctly but very underwhelming execution of it.As said, 'Trust Me' is not without its good things. It is atmospheric visually, though not in a flashy or cinematic way instead more of a muted look that suited the tone well, and is shot slickly enough. Impressive scenes are too few, but they are there. Particularly note-worthy was the life and death situation with the patient suffering from a tooth abscess resulting in a main character's conduct being questioned, that was a harrowing watch. The medical stuff occasionally intrigues and is more interesting and better done than the personal life subplots.What comes off best is the acting. The best performances come from Emun Elliot and Sharon Small, Elliot gives a lot of intensity and a sympathetic edge and Small nails it in a performance that's authoritative and sometimes affecting as the only interesting character. Blake Harrison is decent but doesn't have enough to work with. The girl who plays the daughter is cute and appealing.Jodie Whitaker's performance was one of those difficult to make of ones. It's certainly competent and she tries hard and is very committed clearly, it's just fairly uninspired and would have benefited better with less flat dialogue and a much more sympathetic character that didn't make so many frustrating decisions and so many errors that in real life would have caused suspicion.Sadly, 'Trust Me' is very problematic. Much of the storytelling is pedestrian in pace and stretches credibility to beyond breaking point (don't need to work in the medical profession to feel this way, it's common sense). Calling a lot of the events surrounding the deception implausible is an understatement. The final episode is rushed and the ending is contrived ridiculousness and pure fantasy. The romantic subplot is crassly written, predictable and drawn out where neither characters are ones you care for because their decision making makes one want to bang their heads together.Disappointing too is the script, which completely lacks any kind of depth and nuance and is instead both crass and dreary as well as underwritten, clearly written by somebody with relatively little medical knowledge and an inability to develop characters and realistic situations. It's far too straightforward and safe too, the early exposition scenes are dreadfully clunky and the interview scene is a joke.Characters are flat, with the marginal exception of Brigitte (which is largely to do with Small being as good as she is), and are also unsympathetic, constantly defying plausibility with their actions. How Andy reacts to the deception immediately lowers one's opinion of him, and the outcome of Brigitte's story was not believable for a second.Overall, has its moments but disappointing. 5/10 Bethany Cox
    Sluggr-3 Spoiler Warning, this is my impression in a general way after watching the first two episodes.I can see credibility problems which require a suspension of belief on two different levels. First is the documentation paperwork involved with bank accounts, pay, leases, etc, which is an issue that was addressed somewhat in the first two episodes. They glossed over a lot of this, and in some ways had they gone into detail, it likely would have been criticized for too much paperwork. But in a show about a stolen identity, to be done well, these details need to be included. If handled as well as they were, in say, Day of the Jackal, then it could be anything but a boring aspect of the show.Second is the transition of her medical competence from being a nurse in one scenario to being a doctor in another. To me, much of it was disappointing because they had her seem a bit too obviously out of her comfort zone, standing paralyzed for what seemed like ages rather than being part of the A&E team. Those who watched The Fall will recall the most excellent A&E scene which was done in excruciating detail and accuracy. Yes, we get that she feels out of place, but I think it would have come off better as her being competent in public and then having a near breakdown in private as opposed to the 30-45 second long deer in the headlights looks which should have raised an immediate red flag from everyone else in the room.One thing the show does is address the difference between credentials and credibility, in much the same way that early seasons of the USA TV show Scrubs showed that the staff nurses were often more competent at performing some procedures than the new residents and interns. Most A&E work is routine tasks under higher pressure and I know a number of older experienced Physicians Assistants who could easily pass as an MD in working up and treating a patient.
    tammyli-72153 The premise of the plot was what drew me in and it started out OK. However, what really bothered me was that her characters' level of competence was inconsistent. I gave it five stars because it would be enjoyable if you don't have a medical background or able to just let the poor job of the medical advisers slide. SPOILER In one scene she seems very knowledge, seeming to know what she's doing and then another she's looking how to recognize diabetes (basic nursing knowledge). She should have killed someone already with her incompetence. However, this is a fictional show but it's just so painful to watch some of the scenes.
    steve-flaunty An excellent show with a stellar cast, however I can't help but think how similar the plot is in many aspects to John Collee's " A Paper Mask" where a hospital orderly in this case assumes the identity of his best mate, a recently qualified doctor and who perishes in a motor accident. The impersonator goes on to leave a train wreck of a hospital behind. Throughout the book and as I imagine it will be throughout this TV series, you are left wondering when they are going to be uncovered and also with whom they share their secret, generally a lover.