Code Black
Code Black
TV-14 | 30 September 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    junk-46157 What a great show! Loved the acting, storylines, and drama. Great writing and great directing. The morons at CBS need to be shot, and the series needs to be picked up by another network or Amazon without delay. And oh by the way, make it for a full season, not the mini-season CBS signed up for.I was an ER junkie from the beginning of that show until the bitter end. Though it occasionally drifted into the over romantic (not my cup of tea), it still had lots of amazingly dramatic ER scenes, pulling me in like an obsessed voyeur (which I guess I was, now that I think about it). I could not get enough of the life-on-the-line drama that ER fed me every week.Years go by without a substitute. I'm about to give up until CODE BLACK arrives. I'm immediately hooked! Same drama, same invested doctors and nurses, same teamwork. I'm back to being an obsessed emergency department junkie!I watched the first 3-4 shows alone. Then I introduced the show to my wife, and then to her mother. I didn't take long, they became immediate CODE BLACK junkies as well, and it became the show of choice every Saturday (we TiVo'd it of course). Also, wife wanted to know why I watched early episodes alone, thought I was holding out on her. Told her I was just test driving it of course; didn't want to introduce her to a show that didn't meet her high standards!Bottom line: Amazon, if you don't pick this up, you're missing out on a huge winner which will surely leave 1000's of fans always wanting more...
    blondie-46428 I want to see my friends! You just can't take it away!
    hccole Does anyone else think the girl who plays Ariel is the worst actress ever?
    scott-1657 I really enjoyed the first season of this--action-packed and a great cast. But it seems like it's turned into a tear-jerker/soap opera, focusing way more on the characters' personal lives than the medical aspect. Maybe it always was like that, but it's gotten a bit over the top this season, imo. Also, a lot of the characters seem to follow the model of those in "er," which I guess followed the innovativeness of "St. Elsewhere." Well, I still watch this-- mostly for the cast--but may not go another season.
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