Defying Gravity
Defying Gravity
| 02 August 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Micransix Crappy film
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    bruno-costa Defying Gravity is nice. The problem is that today we have a lot of very good options... But not that much on science fiction, so if you are looking for the genre maybe you gonna be satisfied. The show have good ideas, is focused on character development and use time lines very well. The problem is the poor execution. Visual effects do not ruin the show, but are very simple. The lack of resources for better effects create some problems with physics and chemistry. But the biggest problem is the casting and the dialogues. The actors are good, but many of them are misplaced. Ron Livingston is an excellent actor, but his character is lame and just don't fit him. Laura Harris try hard, but her character is supposed to be a little insecure and she simply don't deliver it, working much better when she need to show confidence. Also, the idea behind the dialogues are always fine, but the dialogues never work. I don't know if the actors improvise too much or too little, but it end up sounded artificial. But even a modest Sci-Fi is rare to find, so if you like the genre you can bet on this one.
    cathan157 This is one of the best Science Fiction TV shows out there. If you decide to give it a chance, you will soon become addicted to the series. The only problem is the disappointing ending, as ABC decided to cut the show short. I wish that they would have at least given us an ending like we were given with 'Fire Fly', which to me did not leave you on so much of a cliff hanger. I don't like to give anything away, as i find the show has quite a few stories with in the main storyline. There is drama, action and some beautiful space visuals. Fun for the whole family, and has the feeling of 'Greys Anatomy' meets 'Extant'. You will fall in and out of love with certain characters, but realising that we are all human, and each of us has our good and bad days. I recommend 'Defying Gravity' to everyone i know, hoping that they will be as outraged as i was. I would suggest you watch it as well, and spread the word. We need them to bring it back!
    JRmf A grand tour of the solar system over 6 years in the really cool Anatares spaceship? As a SF junkie I couldn't help but be hooked, especially as the attractive mixed crew revealed some of their very human side.But I think the series bogged down with too many flashbacks, and too great an emphasis on the personal, especially hung-up, side. This is supposed to be SCIENCE-Fiction, after all, but many have derided the series, with some justification, as Sci-SOAP.It probably should have been set in 2020 rather than 2052 as the garb and technology appeared little changed from early 21st century - with some notable exceptions, like the ability to regrow thumbs.There were a lot of science aspects in the show I thought were accurate and didn't insult the informed viewers intelligence - the "science" in SF movies is so often a travesty - but real-time communication over millions of kilometers was not one of them.Light travels at 300,000 km/sec and is an inexplicable constant and limit in the universe, so even 30 million km away a one-way trip from ship to Earth would take 100 seconds. Along with "nano-gravity", they could have mumbled something about faster-than-light "worm-hole communication", maybe feasible..At least the series didn't turn into a horror-fest, the fate of so many movies in this genre.By the end of the 1st season they had only visted one destination, Venus. Maybe if they had visited Mars as well (not just in flashback), it might have provided more focus on mission and a faster main plot pace.There were so many flashbacks during Zoe's Venus walk, it was annoying, I started clockwatching. I can't quite condemn ABC for pulling the series. Too bad, a missed opportunity for some really good sci-fi...
    bchodo I just don't understand. Programs like Defying Gravity, Firefly, and others, that highlight the highs and lows of the human condition get canceled, but shows that revel in the dysfunction of people get renewed for a decade. I would have loved to see how the story progresses. What happens to the crew as they make their grand tour of the solar system. Find out how Beta and Gamma interact and affect the crew. How Zoe was changed by her ordeal. How Arnel lost his leg. Why Jen can't see Beta or Gamma. Who (or what) is Nadia. And what will happen when all of "them" have been retrieved and are finally together.Maybe a pogrom against ignorant, shallow broadcast executives is necessary.