NR | 24 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    paradux Boy this must have looked good in the concept stage.We'll do the most graphic medical drama in history, said one exec to the other, and we will overlay classic dramatic arcs to keep it moving along.Well, the first bit worked. This is the most graphic show of its kind. It is even more graphic than many medical documentaries.The second bit did not work. Never underestimate the viewer. By the third episode the viewer has figured out 3 key things about this series: 1. No matter how straightforward the procedure, no matter how skilled the staff, something will go wrong at the 30 min mark and stretch it to a one hour operation.2. Overlaying life and death surgery with maudlin and peevish character arcs does not work.3. Overall, I would rather work in my garden.Which is why even with James (who is always great) this imploded after one season.
    buiger If you like blood and guts (and nothing else), this one is for you! Other than a constant showing of gory scenes from the OR, this series has absolutely nothing in it. We do not get to know any of the protagonists or any of the victims. Consequently we are left emotionless, we do not care what happens to any of them, if the victims live or die, for in this series they are reduced to nothing more than lumps of meat.One more mishap was that Lennie James in the principal role was totally miss-cast. He comes through more like an NFL linebacker than a surgeon. He is outright intimidating... Only Catherine Walker is salvageable as Dr. Fiona Lomas (and she looks very sexy as well). I do not know how realistic the OR scenes in the series really are, but even if they were perfect (which I doubt) that is nowhere nearly enough to salvage the series. No wonder it was axed so soon. Sad really, we have gotten used to great made for TV products coming out of the UK. This is definitely not one of them.
    dunja I am disappointed that this won't go to season 2 as it's one of the best medical dramas I have seen; the character development in between these crucial, life-saving, actions is brilliant, the script, the cast, the tempo... perfect. It is no cliché drama with awful love- story tactics that make the medical interventions a welcome break – every aspect is very, very well crafted. While the genre is hard to get right if it's about one team (in this case critical emergencies), which means pretty much 2 or 3 things that can be done to help the patient and a LOT of beeping, this manages to hold its own and brilliantly. British do drama series very well and this is a prime example. Still very disappointed with no season 2....
    jbonner801 This is by far the best television show ever since "The Wire", the best show ever on the screen. Lennie James makes the show..His acting in this show should win him many awards along with the rest of the people. Show 8 was simply amazing, amazing acting, just so emotional.I watched it three times. I wish they would sell this show in the US. I get my copies of the show from over seas but you guys real need to put this show on in the US, you would make a mint. Don't't know why it isn't... could be on HBO or another channel. I watch these several times. There is not more to say then if you could give a higher score then 10 I would.