TV-PG | 14 November 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    spekelatius 3lbs is obviously just a self indulgent programme for Stanley Tucci to be a producer/moody deep doctor. Unlike House he has absolutely no personality and unlike Grey's Anatomy the brain surgery cases are't even interesting. This programme is supposed to be set in a leading centre for Neurlogical cases - yet there's nothing interesting or exciting going on! Not even the so called pathetic 'feud' between him and a rival adds anything to the show and neither do those hallucinations. In the pilot there was a brief glimpse into the leads's social life as a father - snooze! boring and pointless.This show is pants,there's a glut of medical dramas around at the moment and this does nothing to make it stand out as special.
    lannie dizon I was surfing for CBS shows when I saw 3lbs. I watched the pilot episode and immediately got hooked. Every week I never failed to surf and watch it online. The show is not shown here in our country, even if we have a cable provider. I was not aware that CBS canceled the show. I was really disappointed because I really love it. Im a B.S Biology graduate and I can somehow relate with every episodes. I just hope that CBS will give it another chance. Dr. Hanson is really brilliant, I like his character, cold, stoic, arrogant and confident, every line is powerful.I learned a lot on this show, all the medical terms and the heart stopping operations really excites me. Pls give it another chance.
    rafiqi_99 I think the real letdown of the show was the lack of diagnosis and the relative simplicity of the cases. Right off the bat Tucci knows what the problem is and since they don't show the actual surgeries a lot of the excitement and suspense is lost. All that was left was the drama of the character interplay and the Tucci's hallucinations, which sadly, it appears will never be explained. My attitude is, if you're going to make a show about the brain use cases that require diagnosis that would be unique to the brain rather than just difficult tumors. Nonetheless, I must admit I did enjoy watching it and am disappointed it is getting canceled.
    Christywmm I love it. Why are they canceling it? The characters are strong and unique. The story lines are both inside and outside the box or the norm. This is not a dry uninteresting hospital show. There are characters you like and those who you do not. But even the bad or cold characters show some patient caring, not like Dr. House on House. There is even some time spent giving the characters a social life. This however does not take away from the theme of the show, brain study and surgery. The pace of the show is fast and interesting. Along with being entertained by the show, I have also learned interesting facts about brain.