The Simple Life
The Simple Life
| 02 December 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
    kstephen89 This is when reality television was actually good. Funny. The OG Paris and Nicole was worth watching. Far more than this generation of reality tv stars.
    Sean Seeing a couple episodes on Fox, I have never been this disappointed. Fox decides to take 2 rich and snobby celebrities and make them do everyday jobs. Great idea! Half of it's staged. Throughout the show we watch as the 2 make fun of everyone and hit on old men, traveling from city to city, State to State, wasting our time while Fox records it all. Watching this show get canceled? That's hot. Watching the most repetitive "reality"? That's not.I'll stop complaining about this show, however, as it is not like I am being forced to watch it. Why they would release such garbage, I don't know; one thing I do know, however, is they should stop while they can, and actually try to put on some good shows.
    Milly2000 Two rich, privileged, spoiled, bratty, and egocentric girls strutting around as if they were America's princesses. They were disrespectful to and belittled their host family, people they worked for and pretty much everyone they came into contact with. They ridiculed and acted like they were above the ordinary/regular/non-filthy-rich people. It is DISGUSTING to watch!!!! This show only goes to affirm that wealth does NOT equal class. Their parents ought to be ashame for having raised such classless, stuck-up brats, but my guess is they are not. There are a lot of bad and trashy shows on TV, but this has to be the winner! Truly barf-inducing material!
    laura127_99 I've seen one episode from the new season, and I didn't think a show could be this bad. What a waste of time. The girls are stupid and spoiled. Several instances show how:1) Refusing to help carry in their own bags. (I would never carry their bags if they didn't help, leave it on the street).2) Letting their stupid dogs crap at other people's homes. I would have made them clean it up or kick them out.3) They wrecked two cars at the car service place. Even if the producers pay, so what? 4) They brought two ugly dogs to some woman's house as a gift, but expected her to pay $4000. Girls, when you give someone something it's called a gift, and you pay. Otherwise, don't get it. DUH! 5) When they went to get lunch for the other workers, they were eating their food! Nasty. Who knows what these disease- infested whores have? Bottom line- this show is the worst. Bad people make bad shows. I feel bad for their parents for having ungrateful, self-centered brats who are stupid enough to humiliate themselves (producers advice) for ratings.