The Second Coming
The Second Coming
| 09 February 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
    Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    clintonreednotestine I'm a humanist Reverend and have some what of an interest in religious studies and I have to say this is a great film. If you are a believer or a non-believer or just don't care this is a thought provoking film about human-kinds relationship with "GOD." Christopher Eccleston is one of my favorite actors and does a great job of portraying the semi-reluctant son of God. One of the highlights of this film is the interaction between Steve, Ecclestons character, and his friends. Some of his friends believe in him and some don't right off the bat. The way people react is probably very realistic, hard to say since this hasn't happened before. The ending is very good and actually surprising since in America it would never have been chosen, the alternate ending would have been chosen instead.
    tommy-114 Awesome. Granted the ending might not be to everyone's taste but if we could have more TV like this and that has had this much thought and less J list celebrity reality TV game shows on our screens we'd be on to a winner. I didn't know anything about this when i watched it which probably helped me enjoy it so i won't pre-empt your decision be telling you all about it, but in general it gives the viewer an interesting take on religion or more specifically religion in contemporary Britain. I'm not a religious person but found that the content got me thinking long after the show had finished which is more than can be said for most TV programmes. Buy it, watch it, enjoy it. Oh and Eccleston is fantastic.
    Julian Apparently the son of god has returned for a second coming. First, will anyone believe him, including the person he is returning in? A couple of miracles later, and people are starting to take him seriously, but he has a message for the world. A few days to write the Third Testament, or its all over.I thought it was a very interesting drama, that kept me hooked to the end. Some interesting issues approached, and taken on in a new way. Nearly two years on, and still some of the details are quite memorable. The conclusion is quite powerful, but probably not what anyone was expecting, which I think is also good in a drama.It obviously has religious overtones, and depending where you are on the scale it may or may not fit with your views. However its written as drama, and it keeps the attention focused to the end.Well worth a watch.
    Caps Fan Maybe only British television could have got away with something like this, or would have been likely to try.Christopher Eccleston gives us a rousing performance as Stephen Baxter, an ordinary "bloke" from the north of England who, having disappeared on bleak moorland for 40 days and 40 nights, turns up again, claiming to be the Son of God.Nothing new about that, you might say - plenty of people have claimed that. The difference is that, in Stephen's case, the claim is true and he gives the human race five days to come up with a "Third Testament" or face Judgment Day and possible oblivion. To make sure he gets the world's attention, he throws in a couple of miracles for good measure.The portrayed response of those around Stephen - friends, foes and in between - is plausible and interesting. I particularly liked Peter Wright as Len Chadwick, the sympathetic policeman placed in charge of protecting Stephen, and Lesley Sharp who, as always, turns in a strong and wholly credible performance as Stephen's nearly girlfriend.Good music punctuates an intelligent and witty script that sometimes strays towards the cheesy, but usually veers away. The special effects are adequate, but nothing more, though the actual photography is spectacular at times.I wasn't totally sold on the conclusion - it seemed, somehow, a bit of a letdown, even a copout, but maybe that was inevitable, given the buildup.The DVD version is divided irritatingly, but that detracts little from the impact of this gripping, mature drama. Strongly recommended.Rating: 8/10.