Legend of Earthsea
Legend of Earthsea
| 13 December 2004 (USA)

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    Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Jinn WTF??!! I hope people who saw (and hated) this flick who have not read the books are not put off...Even though I have not read the books, even looking at the covers, they're better than this let down of a movie/series. I was really looking forward to it, despite a friend who told me this EarthSea version was truly heinous - I see what she means. Totally. And why my local video stores don't even carry it.I've seen the Japanese Anime version of EarthSea (which I loved though should have been longer) ... And that was better than this sorry attempt.Despite good acting efforts, effects, cinematography and action scenes, it was a big disappointment - devoid of any feeling or soul. It didn't stick true to what I already knew of the EarthSea saga. How in the Universe did they get this through Ursula Le Guin? Maybe they cast a spell on her? ... I hear she's denounced it. No wonder. Geb / Sparrowhawk's character was atrociously written, (not the actor's fault) ... like some immature, perpetually cranky, b!tchy lame a$$ Anakin Skywalker rip-off.However ... that said, the movie would have worked as an independent fantasy film / or mini series with different names and characters. EarthSea it is not.
    Kate_Pafford First off, I have never read Earthsea and don't plan on it unless my daughter wants to read it together. But I thought for a Sci-Fi channel movie this is one of the best. Great cast, some hokey lines but the costumes, scenes and acting are great. I thought the movie rushed into the beginning pretty quickly, and there are quite a few things I don't understand within the story line. But this was an above average film that takes four novels and turns them into a movie. It may not be the best adaption, but it seems as if the story wasn't butchered to all heck, so for that it gets points. Now a bad movie to watch especially if you haven't read the books.
    Kras543 When I watched the movie, I noticed that it was the first two books put together. It was job nicely done, changing from Ged to the Tombs of Atuan. Although what I didn't like was the part where they added the Kargad King or where they released the Nameless Ones and forged the amulet of Erreth-Akbe together and saved the world from the Nameless Ones after releasing them like five minutes ago. What I also didn't like was the change that every priestess, Tenar, Thar, and Kossil worship the Nameless Ones and that Thar was the ultimate priestess, and a succeeder is chosen, not like in the book, Tombs of Atuan. In the book there is Thar, high priestess of the Twin Gods, Kossil, high priestess of the God King and, Arha (Tenar), High priestess of the Nameless Ones and high priestess of the Tombs of Atuan. In the movie there was three people arguing for the place of Thar "high priestess of the Nameless Ones and Tombs of Atuan". Phhhhh!! Also the constant dying in the Tombs of Atuan, leaving Tenar as the only significant character in there was quite baffling. Yes in the book Thar dies because of disease. Not because of poisoning from Kossil. Also there was no "Rosa" servant who was strangled by Kossil and there was no Kargad King to kill Kossil. Otherwise, the movie had nice screenplay, and fairly good actors. For those who haven't read the books and !MAYBE! for those who have read them, this movie is worth seeing despite its many bad sides.
    David Daniel Ball The Wizard of Earthsea entered my life while I was an adolescent, lonely and missing direction. The text provides a moral obstacle course in a fantasy setting which sidesteps the silly moralising of much fantasy literature. I waited twenty five years to watch this, and at the age of forty, I'm very disappointed.A lot of money has gone into this, and it will be many years before another attempt is made. The essential trade offs between mediums have been made, but some decisions seem extraordinary and unnecessary. The white actors in black roles. The naming change of the principal character. The storyline.The first story, detailing the finding of some wisdom by Ged, between his home and the release of the shadow from Roke should have been the limit of this film. Instead, the need to include the beautiful Kreuk led the production to try to tell the first three stories at once. The failure of the production stems from the inability of the producer to limit the production.