Sea Patrol
Sea Patrol
TV-PG | 05 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    jdonalds-5 Update October 9, 2015 I find myself watching the whole series for the 3rd time. I've thought about what draws me to this show. Is it the music, the fact that it is ship/water based, plots, characters, direction? I've concluded it is a mix of those things and more.As for plots every episode is weak, but I don't care. This show is quite similar to JAG in that it isn't so much about the story but more about the characters. The plot is just there to give a background for character interaction. Like JAG there are several characters in each episode. But more than JAG, the broader set of characters on Sea Patrol are compacted onto the ship and there is quite a bit more character interaction. Don't get me wrong. This isn't a serious show, it's not a comedy, but it is quite light hearted and even a bit simple. Characters do come close to death, fall off cliffs, get shot, and more. Unless they are trying to move an actor off the show the characters all survive. To me it's a perfect mix for a show of this genre.I was in the US Navy and the ocean got into my blood. That has a lot to do with the attraction of this show for me.Original Review:I understand this show ended in 2011. I just stumbled on it on HULU in 2014. I preface my comments by saying that I was in the U.S. Navy so a show that involves ships is interesting to me. Also I like most TV series that have to do with the good guys vs the bad guys, and the good guys winning.Sea Patrol is really holding my interest, although I give it 7 stars, not 10. At least 2 of those stars is simply because I'm enjoying it and will continue from where I am, at the middle of season 3, until I binge watch the whole series. I'm sure I'll be sad once I reach the end and watch the last episode. It would suit me just fine if there was another show like it in the future.The casting was great, acting is fine, story lines are good. The only fault I can find is the direction. The romance adds a lot to the show too. I really like the two ships used and the RHIB boats (I own a jet boat and the RHIBs are jet boats too).The director could have paid a lot more attention to some of the details which are so obvious it detracts from the episodes. For example in one episode some divers seemed to have traveled much further on their boat in 12 hours than would seem reasonable. Also the ship seems to steam (a nautical term even if the boat isn't on steam power) at very fast speed most of the time; it's either stopped, or going max speed in the overhead shots. From my time in the Navy and with my own boats it is just way too expensive in fuel consumption to go that fast all the time. Yes they say they are "increasing" speed to something faster, even max, but it seems like bow shots and overhead shots are almost all filmed at max speed.In spite of things like that the show is light, fun, and entertaining.I recommend it to anyone who's looking for something light to watch in this genre.
    melwyn A large amount of the funding for Sea Patrol comes from the RAN, who in turn took their cut from many tens of millions given to the ADF under the Howard Government to "promote" the armed forces. In return for putting up the money, RAN reportedly have a fair amount of say in the scripts.Nine made Blue Heelers the same way (with the NSW Police Media Liaison Unit having final veto over the scripts). It means they aren't paying all the bills, but it also means the primary purpose of the show is not to provide quality entertainment. The result is a show with poor quality stories and acting. Visually it is very good, but it has no substance. It features a cast of well known faces playing the same kinds of roles they've been playing for years. They have no real emotional investment in their characters and it shows.The execs involved are happy to let all this slide because none of it matters. There is one purpose only to Sea Patrol, and that is to make life in the Navy look exciting and attractive to impressionable youngsters so they are more likely to join up when they're old enough.There's enough rubbish on TV. It saddens me that creative options are foregone in favour of what amounts merely to government advertising.
    HyperCaz Sea Patrol has its faults - from painfully obvious story lines to some dicey acting - but all in all, I enjoy it and never miss an episode. It's far from realistic but that's actually a good thing, because that's what makes this show so entertaining. And all the characters have their own space to develop through both series, despite some cast changes and questionable acting.The ship itself and the locations are the real stars of Sea Patrol, and it's nice to see an Australian show with a half decent budget for once. Nothing beats some local scenery and themes, considering how many overseas shows flood the television market here.I love Sea Patrol and I'm certainly going to keep watching.
    Be Nice Marvel at the visuals. Empathise with the crew in crisis. Gasp at the sheer density of wooden performances. How else could this wreck keep afloat? Lisa McCunes tears are so forced you might believe its a medical problem. The interiors scenes have more beige than a photocopier room. And the team has enough individuality that if combined would almost rival that of Lisa's Coles ad persona.Nine orders full steam ahead to return the Aussie cultural cringe which drifted out to sea in the recent history wars. Something that the crazy New Zealand fishing show pushed back out to sea.You know I wouldn't want do add to this disgrace except that the comment lines force me. If you are watching this dross, consider your motivation. Following this episode was CSI:New York. An interesting, if far fetched Sci-Fi take on fast cars and high society. And then came the Comedy Festival Gala. This review is anemic, and the CSI was cheesy... but Sea Patrol sucks just a little bit more.