The Renegades
The Renegades
| 04 March 1983 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
    peetey I directed three episodes and really enjoyed the young cast. I look back now and realize how innovative the show was for it's time while written by Nick Corea (who passed away from cancer). The show also had a really great DP by the name of Charlie Correl. I wonder where he is today. Maybe he'll read this comment and tell me how to get in touch with him. Patrick Swayze's father had sadly passed away just before I was to direct my first show on this series. This was the first time the show had a woman director, as was usual for that period, and I was a bit nervous, but Patrick, being the total professional and gentleman that he is, made every effort to make my job easier. Nick Corea was a crazy man, but I look back at this show with great warmth. Barbara Peeters
    bengijv I remember watching the show when I was 13. I think it was opposite some other popular show like Knight Rider, or some popular half hour sitcom. When it faded away, I wasn't surprised. I had managed to tape the intro theme on a cassette tape back then but I have never seen it again. I didn't remember Swayze or the 70's show guy. I remembered Tracy Scroggins and that she played someone named Tracy. I also used to think Peter DeLouise was on the show, but that's 21 Jump Street of course. Still Eagle, Dancer, J.T., Tracy.. I always wondered if this would ever be on TV again. I'm thinking no, but I will always remember it.
    vamp88 I may be one of the few people who remembers this show. It aired on Friday nights, I believe on ABC. I don't remember it lasting very long and believe only a handful of episodes were every made. I loved it, and had an episode or 2recorded at one time that I watched repeatedly. It starred PatrickSwayze, and Tracy Scoggins (who I immediately started crushing on). It was about a street gang given a choice to do time or work undercover getting in where the cops couldn't. It kind of was a mix of "The Warriors" meets the "Mod Sqaud" meets "21 Jump St.". I thought it was a cool, fun show, but, I was young and wonder if it would hold up today being viewed as an adult. Wish I could find it on TV or DVD somewhere to find out.