The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest
| 26 August 1996 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    boy07002 I was so disappointed when that show got canceled. I was a faithful watcher everyday. I just hope they re-put it on the TV someday. My favorite episode was where Johnny and Jessie got possessed by ghost lovers and kissed. I loved every episode though. I have no idea why people woudn't like it, it was awesome. I like the fact that it had a girl in it unlike the original series and the romantic moments between Johnny and Jessie. I wanted to see what was going to happen to them. I thought the opening theme was too cool. I also liked the one that had the haunted stage coach and the western lady; where the stage coach crashes over the side of a cliff in a cave.
    TheMan3051 TBS in the nineties aired some pretty cheesy shows like "Captain Planet" but in 1996 it reinvented itself with this outstanding television show. Like the title says it, this were the REAL adventures because in the original Dr. Quest and Race Bannon seemed to be doing all the work. While in this show Jonny and Hadji were the stars. This was also a much superior show with outstanding plots and characters! Too bad the show was canceled so soon.
    Tanzim The best Jonny Quest... at least so far!I've had the opportunity of going through all the incarnations of Jonny Quest, including the original, but nothing beats the latest offering.Old timers might disapprove Jesse or the new Dr. Zinn, but I totally liked them. The most awesome thing about the new show is how it had adapted itself to the 90's – superb animation with breathtaking CGI, fast paced action with a cool soundtracks and excellent voice characterizations – just the thing that will not only attract a whole new generation of teen age carton watchers, but also the old fans of the Quest family too!Too bad it didn't last too long… guess that's life.Hoping for yet another Quest reincarnation.
    eko123 As I had watched a few episodes of the original Jonny Quest cartoon and had liked them, I decided to give this new series a try. I was completely blown away by the quality of "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest". The stories were intelligent and interesting, while the characters were totally believable and likeable. This is one of the few shows that does not adhere to any tired cliches commonly found in other children's toons and does not "dumb down" to viewers. I disagree with some fans of the original series who dislike newer characters like Jessie Bannon. Jessie is an excellent role model for young girls because she is strong, assertive, intelligent, and Jonny and Hadji's equal instead of the stereotypical female "airhead" sidekick or "damsel in distress".This cartoon ranks up there with other smartly-written children's cartoons like WB's Batman, Batman Beyond, and Superman animated series, The Tick, Power Puff Girls, and Transformers: Beast Machines. It's too bad that something like "Real Adventures of Jonny Quest" would not survive in today's TV market.