The Last Detective
The Last Detective
| 07 February 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    Parker Lewis The UK TV industry pumps out an endless supply of police dramas, and The Last Detective is in my humble opinion one that didn't appear to get the recognition it deserves. It's quite atmospheric in capturing London (not the City of London Corporation London if you know what I mean). We see the cramped police office where DC "Dangerous' Davies works (Dangerous is an ironic nickname) who at first doesn't get much respect from DI Aspinall and DS Pimlott and DC Barrett. The three take the mickey out of him at first, but DI Aspinall develops a grudging respect for Dangerous, and they start to bond. WPC Kapoor provides support to Dangerous.A sub-plot is Dangerous's relationship with his estranged wife, Julie, and it's encouraging to see their marriage restored over the four seasons. Also Dangerous's friendship with Mod, an Irishman, provides thoughtful and light moments. Also the St Bernard is so cute.We also see the gray skies, the crowded street, the pubs (at least one pub scene per episode), the shoulder-to-shoulder accommodation, the run-down bedsits. It's London and great to see The Last Detective capture this.It's a shame The Last Detective ran for only four seasons. It deserved more, and who knows, maybe one day The Last Detective can be rebooted.
    gpeevers The Last Detective is a British series that combines good detective stories with a character study and a fair bit of humor especially for the genre.Detective "Dangerous" Davies (Peter Davison) has the lowly rank of Constable despite having reached his middle years, he is kind and considerate to everyone, but his colleagues have mockingly nicknamed him Dangerous and his superiors have overlooked him. In fact Davies boss Detective Inspector Aspinall has said he will consider Davies to be last detective, the last to be considered for any investigation unless it meaningless and boring, in which case he will be first.Davies in the midst of an amicable divorce from his wife and they share custody of their massive dog. His closest friend Mod is both philosophical and underemployed, because of this he often acts as a sounding board for his friend both for aspects of his work and his personal life.The cases are often lesser crimes as befits his rank but sometimes they develop into other cases altogether, it's also somewhat refreshing to see something other than a murder being investigated. Davies despite his poor reputation amongst his colleagues is a fairly good detective mostly as a result of hard work as opposed to intuitive leaps.Overall the cast is quite good, the bulk of the screen time goes to Peter Davison and he is very effective in low-key role, Sean Hughes as the eccentric Mod is also quite good and next in screen time.I believe the series is best appreciated by those who are well acquainted with the British Police/Detective series although it's certainly not necessary. The majority of those series place considerable emphasis on rank, feature crusty or disagreeable detectives who are tolerated for their abilities and have little humor.The series has thus far run four seasons, all of which are now available on DVD.
    pawebster Peter Davison is just right for this role. He plays Dangerous as a real person, who is actually clever and strong at the same time as being a soft touch, basically because of sheer niceness. This could easily be cloying or sentimental, but Davison avoids this pitfall with seeming ease.As with so many detective series, our hero (who solves every case, while his colleagues and superior are getting things wrong) is seriously undervalued by the police force, so much so that he is still a detective constable when he must be close the the police retiring age. This is as unbelievable here as it always is.His friend, played by Sean Hughes, is a handicap to the series in my opinion. He is supposed to be there for quirky comic relief, but I just find him irritating.On the other hand, Dangerous' bossy hot-and-cold wife is a definite asset.
    Samuel Mason-Jones I watched the first episode of this show and I was hooked. Since then, I've been careful to watch every episode they've broadcast. (They started showing it here in Australia more than 3 years after it was shown in Britain!) From the very start, I found myself really sympathising with PC "Dangerous" Davies (played brilliantly by Peter Davison). He is still a constable after who knows how many years, he is separated from his wife Julie, he lives in dives and is mocked by the other policemen. But in spite of this, he is an irrepressibly nice guy. This is a welcome change from the utterly unsympathetic detectives that frequently appear on television! There were two other characters who I really liked - the gruff alcoholic Detective Inspector Aspinall (Rob Spendlove), and Dangerous's friend Mod Lewis, a philosophical Irishman who seems to have a great deal of trouble finding decent work or a steady relationship.The humour is clever but not self-indulgent, and this really appealed to me. This is added to by the tension between the characters, particularly between Dangerous and his colleagues Barrett and Pimnott (a pair of smart-mouthed cockney detectives). Dangerous's relationship with Mod is particularly good to watch, especially when Dangerous is forced to move in with him.The character development and intriguing plots make the Last Detective a must-see, and Willesden North is a perfect low-key backdrop. I haven't read the books, but I now intend to.
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