The Ex List
The Ex List
TV-PG | 03 October 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    tayriley the network only aired 4 episodes of this show on Friday nights (the night shows go to die) before pulling it off the air. it is such a shame because it was a very lovable cast that played 20something friends and the wit was as sharp as any 'sex and the city' episode. it is a light-hearted comedy that's incredibly fun to watch. it's even made me want to move to a beach. i still cant believe it was canceled, and that there is still yet to be a DVD release. i bought it on amazon on demand but they have had licensing issues with the show, meaning sometimes i can't access it. GET UR ACT TOGETHER CBS~~~!!!!! premiering a new show on a Friday night and canceling it after 4 eps just to air reruns of that crappy NCIS show is bull.
    linoralow Storyline is very basic. Nothing to scream about but this show is quite addictive to watch. The comedy is not laugh out loud to me, but it is fun to watch. I'd like to call it 'Friends' on the beach. Something around those lines, The story begins with Bella Bloom (Elizabeth Reaser - i first saw her in Grey's Anatomy) trying to find her 'MAN' because a psychic told her she has to marry within the year or she will remain alone for the rest of her life. Quite silly in that retrospect. Then you have her 3 friends - Vivian (Alexandra Breckenridge - she made an impression for me on 'Dirt'), Cyrus (Amir Talai), Augie (Adam Rothenberg) and one sister, Daphne (Rachel Boston) that is always hanging about. I enjoy the friend banters in the group. The chemistry between the group is so cute. I personally like Augie and Vivian. Cute couple over there. Seeing her go through her entire ex list just to find the person. It's just fun to watch her go through each pas boy friend to see who's the lucky man. I feel a bit disappointed when I like one particular dude who i think can be the cool bf. but heck it's too early in the season. Give the show a watch. It's just fun.
    SmallPkgTNT OK, this show is incredible! It has become one of my favorites! The writing and placement of "the signs" are right on. Great writing, show is believable! Elizabeth Reaser is perfect for this role. She makes "Bella" come alive. She IS Bella! I love how the show is not all fairy tale and happy ending at the end of each episode. The pilot so far was one of the better shows. If you don't get this show then you are over thinking it. Great characters, great plot...LOVE IT! A example of the open ended plots is the Surfer episode. He wasn't "the one" at the time but it left him as a future possibility. I am looking forward to this show developing more!
    Euroky Just read in Studio Briefing they're canceling Ex-List. What a shame. IMO, it has some of the sharpest writing and delivery on air.The cast is perfect for the series. Despite the moral issue of all the boyfriends, hookups and casual sex, Elizabeth Reaser is ideal in the lead. It's about time she got her shot. And her fellow cast- mates fit nicely, too; the sort of wish-fulfilling, "Friends" friends we all wish we had.Forget how lightweight it is, they can't all be as clumsy and terminally hip as Fringe. It's a perfect Friday night show and a good lead-in for Numbers.Too bad.....