The Bastard Executioner
The Bastard Executioner
TV-MA | 15 September 2015 (USA)

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    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    tomasajdari Good production values, inaccurate and midly realistic plot with fire arrows, extremely educated witch and an extremely educated "token?" black guy (a closeted muslim!!!) an abused child turned into a homosexual via anal rape and much, much more....
    keelhaul-80856 I was excited to hear about this show when it first came out. A buddy of mine said he couldn't put his finger on it, but the show just didn't do much for him. Well, here I am, finally checking it out online. I love medieval and ancient epics, and history in general, and I figured I would be more likely to enjoy this show than my friend.Well...the first 15 mins. or so of the pilot had me like, WTF??? Kurt Sutter is talented, but I wonder if this will be something he can pull off successfully.The first 15 mins.= A guy is in a dream or supernatural moment on a battlefield, being told he is going to live another life by some (Indian?)(angel?) girl. The intro. music is so soft and boring and forgettable, that it bewildered me as to why they used it for such a dark and threatening period.Then, I recognize that Sutter has cast his gf or wife, Katy Sagel, as an old witch Slavic woman or something??? LOL. I love some Katy Sagel, but this part is just ridiculous, and the casting for her and other character feels cheaply done. I guess Kurt just wanted to throw her in somewhere, with a more serious role besides her usual bad ass Milf role, and she wanted to play a witch lady with an accent and gray hair??? Then, the lord of the land is straining to take a s%%t while some servant dude wipes his butt??? These scenes just seem idiotic to me, as if to say, we want to be gritty and crude, for the sake of doing so. It was contrived and stupid in my opinion, and I don't shy away from gore and vulgarity-- trust me.Everything in this piece looks like a Renaissance fair getaway with your nerdy friends from work for the weekend. To my chagrin, it lacks authenticity in many ways, and none of the female characters are very charming or attractive, either. If you are going to have handsome guys, magical reincarnations, dreams, people taking dumps while talking to their workers, etc. can't we have some eye candy as well? The whole thing feels disjointed to me, and very rehashed and stale. Nothing was amazingly fresh or exciting, and they seem to be going through the motions, instead of drawing you into the period of 1300s Wales, and a unique story worth telling. I love this genre, but if it fails to even interest me thus far, I imagine a bleak future for the show with larger audiences.Granted, I didn't even finish the pilot(I went to bed with a few mins. left to go), and I am still going to give this a chance. It isn't terrible, but there is too much cheese and nepotism and mediocrity in the first episode. I am going to expect a lot more in the next couple of installments, or I think this bastard will be executed prematurely...
    tony-40810 Was so much looking forward to watching this executioner to find it very disappointing.The opening seen had a lot to be desired Acting not that great, Fighting seen rubbish and as for the story line needs more not quit sure what to think.There is no big name actors. Effects poor. I have only watched the first episode hopefully it will improve.I was hoping it would have been good as the Vikings, Outlander and Spartacus. Not big names however they had you gripped for the very first episode.If the episodes don't improve i don't think i would look forward to a second season. So let hope it can be all addressed so we can enjoy a very much Executioner
    cinder-66882 OK, I have never watched Sons of Anarchy. I did not first tune into The Bastard Executioner on episode. One late night, I heard the opening song and this got me to check out the show.The show started off a little slow and confusing as to content, but now, our entire family looks forward to watching. It is enjoying to see the characters have matured, the storyline is something to enjoy, the rough times are shown which might upset some viewers. It is great seeing actors and actresses never seen before, paired as they are.It does bother me to see the comments about the show. I do not rate the director, writer, or ?? for a show. I watch the shows season and then decide. Too many people rated it a "1" after the first episode. Too quick to send a good show to the trash pile.FX needs to give this show more than 10 episodes ... it deserves more.
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