The Odd Couple
The Odd Couple
TV-PG | 19 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Jason Lloyd (cjase22007) I didn't get into the orginal show or movie. It was before my time. I must say that this updated version is very good. Great writing, cast, etc. And very funny too.
    DaveAng It was really difficult to impossible to rank this show as no matter how good the actors around Matthew are (Only the excellent Lennon), he just messes it up each and every time. I have no idea what happened to Matthew but it makes me sad and a bit worried as I used to love Perry's charm and unique acting abilities. Matthew delivers his lines monotonically, eyes crazy wide open and using one permanent limited facial expression. Did he have some sort of an accident? Or some seizure he is recuperating from? Something is way off here. Dear god Matthew, what happened man? Yes, we all get older and I did not expect Chandler Bing but if you were attempting to play A brain damaged got it right.
    spats1 OK, I just came here to say, enough with all the foolish reviewers who think there is a "laugh track" in this or ANY show. Laugh tracks haven't been used for over 30 years.These shows are filmed in front of a live studio audience. They do this not (only) to add the sound of a real audience reacting, but to gauge how well the jokes are working. If you ever been to a live taping, you'd see them play the scene, and if any of the jokes got no reaction, and you're paying attention, you'll see the writers huddling in a corner, literally writing new jokes on the spot, printing them out, and doing the scene again. You're thinking "geez, then it would take many many hours to film a sitcom!" Well, you'd be right. That's why sometimes they feed you, they have games and prizes while the director/writer/cast work out a scene, etc.They might "sweeten" the sound of the laughs some time, but in my experience, they don't need to. The audiences that are generally there are fans, and usually they love the show they're seeing, and they LAUGH. So please stop whining about the "laugh track". If you don't like shows that are filmed in front of a studio audience, then watch Modern Family, or The Mindy Project, or The Middle or The Simpsons, or New Girl, etc. etc.
    Michael Thompson America has managed some superbly crafted TV series. In no order of merit, Hill Street Blues, L.A Law, E.R. and NYPD Blue. So, what happened,,,,,here ?????.Someone has managed to take the superbly written Odd Couple, by Neil Simon, and turn it into the biggest load of shallow junk I've ever struggled with, I say struggled, because I truly wanted to like it, and I am also amazed that Mathew Perry is involved with the production of this series.?????I don't need to tell mature film fans, that the original Odd Couple movie is a classic. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau hit the nail right on the head. Thanks to the genius script writing of Neil Simon.I honestly cannot understand why Mathew Perry wanted any part of this garbage?????If American can touch base with superb human drama's as above, why cant they do the same with comedy.???????. Mathew Perry, you are acting your heart out with what amounts to shallow junk......