Your Family or Mine
Your Family or Mine
TV-MA | 08 April 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    Micransix Crappy film
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    dnadiyah I desperately watch each new sitcom in the hopes of discovering something that can fill the Friends sized hole in my heart. Or maybe another Seinfeld or even a That 70s Show. Even though it's a long shot I watch at least 5 episodes to get past that teething point just in case it's a good comedy that's started shakily. With this show, I couldn't even get past two episodes and, even then, it was hard work. Thoroughly predictable writing (who hadn't guessed the Grandmother was in the drawing and not the mom, two seconds after the premise was revealed). This is so pathetic I feel sorry for the actors who have, in the past, been in some top notch stuff. A lot of comedies fall below mediocre. Your Family or Mine is worse than mediocre.. it is just thoroughly, thoroughly bad and this show deserves being cancelled. However, knowing how mediocrity is celebrated in the States this will probably run for nine seasons and syndication.
    Man99204 This show is just awful.It is amazing that anything this dreadfully bad would ever be made into a series, even on TNT. It features some of the worst writing in the History of American television. There is not one even remotely new idea. The jokes, the characters, even the plots, have been seen so many times, in so many different series. The entire series has a "been there seen it all before" tone to it.Veteran Actors like Richard Dryfuss shoot embarrassed looks into the camera. TNT could air a better program by recycling "Different Strokes" reruns.Pass on this stinkeroo - you will be glad you did.
    sharp-60469 The writing is crazy terrible. Crude sex references seem to be the main goal here (must take a lot of brain power to fit in a mention of blow jobs every single episode).It's a shame because the concept of the show is interesting and different but if the plots weren't bad enough, the cast is just flat and unfunny. Did the producers of this show realize the writing was this bad and tried to save the concept by tossing in some well known names to salvage it? Please end this show. Even re-runs of the Big Bang Theory are better than this junk.
    webms This show is truly awful. I was really enthusiastic about seeing it considering the talented cast. I was was completely disappointed at the really crude humor and poor writing. I can't believe that they were able to get these actors on the show based upon such a poor script and disgusting humor. I'm no prude, but there was no way that I would watch an additional episode. I went to the website and not surprisingly, there was no place to provide comments. Such a shame that this was not well written and relies instead on tasteless one-liners. I can't imagine that this will be continued for additional seasons unless there is a vast improvement in the story-lines and dialog.