| 14 July 1985 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    Ken Kirkham One of the "Wandering Hero" shows, "Stingray" had elements that made it truly unique and special. True the hero had the traditional skill set (combat expert, demolitions, etc.) and he traveled the country helping people, but the details of this show gave it a very unique "flavor". There was no (obvious) "fugitive-factor" (ie the A-team, the Pretender, etc), in fact, it seemed as if the main character (known simply as Ray) had semi-legitimate government connections. He traveled the country in a classic car helping people. His price: a favor. This was where the show really differed, because there would be people that he had helped before doing their favors in payment, which provided his resources.Unlike most of the action shows of the '80s, Stingray did not feature constant "big battles", although there were some, it was the character and his way of solving problems that made it really special. Kind of a cross between John Wayne, James bond, and a little of MacGyver. It's a show that would do well if redone.
    jamesplea This was one of the truly original TV series from the 80's- and I would LOVE to find it on DVD. I remember it used to follow Miami Vice on Friday nights and as much as I was a fan of Miami Vice my roommate and I actually started to enjoy this show more as the scripts were really unpredictable. That and the premise of the lead character actually doing favors for other people and only asking that they do him a favor in return was very unique. If you have read and enjoy the Repairman Jack series by F. Paul Wilson then you would enjoy this series as the basis of the series is somewhat similar. Also if my memory serves me correctly there really was not a lot of violence in this series as a lot of the plots were more cerebral than your average detective show-(which is probably what doomed it to a short existence. If this is availalbe on DVD I would love to know where.
    Benvolio "Stingray" was one of my favourite TV shows when I was a teenager. Ray was a cool guy, never taking money for his services, only asking favours. And of course he drove that fabulous Corvette Stingray, which still ranks as one of my favourite cars.
    Gislef A first: a U.S. TV show that I like that lasts more than a year! One of the coolest theme songs in existence (written by Warren Murphy), and Nick Mancuso as the only continuing character, this show is probably the last of the Stephen Cannell "classic" shows. A unique concept (the favor trading), a near-superhuman protagonist (he could go into death-like comas and had a photographic memory - he often seemed more like Batman without the costume) , and lots of continuity. You wonder why Mancuso doesn't do more series TV (check out Matrix, an equally good show).