High Incident
High Incident
| 04 March 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    lozz59 I watched this show on Sky in the UK and was instantly hooked! I'd previously enjoyed watching CHIPS, T J Hooker and COPS. High Incident was like a godsend, as it was like watching COPS but with awesome actors and story lines (something the average cop show always seems to be in desperate need of!). It was unlike any other cop show I'd ever seen, in that it captured not just the exciting car chases and gunfights, tense moments and drama, but also the average day-to-day calls that a police officer might receive.There was humour as well as drama and I think the viewers posts here speak for themselves, this show should NOT have been CANCELLED so soon! As I saw in a post earlier, this is the kind of cop show that cops watch! And that really says a lot! If this ever is released in some form on DVD, I'm sure I'll be spending insane amounts of money to get hold of it!
    taab90 I agree!!! I want Steven Speilburg to do more TV!!!High Incident was my FAVORITE cop show! Especially in the first (half) season - before the department had a name, when it could have been anywhere, and we almost never saw the inside of the polices station or the officers' private lives. We just got interesting glimpses of their lives based on their conversations with their partners. And that first season there were chords that ran through the series - they would arrest the same hooker in three episodes and such, which is how it really works! (The show really lost something in the second season when the episodes became "themed", but it was still GREAT!) And they need to FINISH it! The last episode was a real cliffhanger!
    setphasers2kill I lost all faith in television since High Incident was dropped. I cant say enough good about it. From the first episode when Len's partner and best friend isgunned down ( I almost broke down when I saw that ) all the way to the "final" bank robbery scene. The bright side, if any, is that it might be making it to DVD soon, and yes, part 2 of the bank robbery was shot.By the way, Officer Marsh gets my vote for "Badass Cop of All-Time"!!!
    VeganThespian This show was a show of realism, it captured something about the san fernando valley and at least what i perceived as realistic about the police there (having lived in that area). It showed the sharp contrast from life in the densely populated, gritty, harsh personality northeast (where i grew up), from the life in the suburban, wealthy, always sunny, windswept style, wide open, cheery yet serious, san fernando valley.This is one of my favorite shows of all time and it always upsets me not only that the series ended, but that towards the end of the series it appeared the show veered from its manner and did stunts and the usual hollywood tricks to get ratings and save a show that seems headed to the chopping block.One thing that bothered me about the series was that the character of marsh took the fall for the sexual harassment complaint (which i believe may have been part of the reason the show failed), when it seemed almost certain that he was the victim of an officer who knew she was about to get a justified bad review, seduced him and knew just when to kick him out of the house so that the regular police patrol would find him there - it may have made a nice episode for him to figure out that she set him up.It seems a pity that such talented actors, especially David Keith in his element, Matt Craven and the rest, and writing and cinematography did not pan out into a long running fruitful series.