Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
TV-Y7 | 18 September 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    donovanmcrale Definitely a show worth watching, simply awesome and... dare I say it... radical.
    Kristie Ann Webb Seriously, youngsters under the age of 10 years have NO business watching such dark, dramatic stuff that has war fare sequences, firm, serious talking, and suggestive themes, especially that infamous make-out scene on that "Hooked on Sonics" episode. That are also bad, partially-nude female role models, such as Princess Sally is more of an airheaded mammal. When I was a kid, there were two Sonic cartoons that aired during that period. One called "Adventures of Sonic", which is more kid friendly, and they aired it at a time that children would have to go to school. Another called "Sonic SatAM", which is more for much older children, was aired at a time where small children can access. I don't know what the networks were thinking, which makes me wonder if one network was preventing the children from watching a rather kid friendly show by airing it during school hours and trying to get the little ones to watch a rather diverse show at a time they aren't going to school, which makes me infuriated. It also makes me wonder if the other network wasn't trying to encouraging the little ones into terrorism and sensuality at an early age. It was bad enough when Cartoon Network aired "O Canada" that had shorts, which were aimed at adult audiences. Personally, I ain't recommending this to a small child before their preteen years.
    morganstephens512 Let's get it straight that this as the best TV show based on a video game ever made. Although that is not saying much at all. Despite what may seem like a very great comment, let's look at it and see if the show really is any good or not. The intro theme song is a song that sticks in your head even if you don't want it to. It is one of the most catchy theme songs that might have ever been put into a English cartoon. And possibly the second best I have ever heard. Behind the amazing 'I Am The One' from Digimon Frontier. The story is actually possibly one of the darkest that has ever been put onto a kids show. It was actually voted as the second most violent, darkest and serious kids show of all time by several critics. It follows Sonic and a few friends that he has gathered up to defeat Robotnik who had taken over all of their homeland and covered it into a metal wasteland. With only pockets of forest left. That could all be destroyed with Robotnik's progressive advancement with his machines that he has been getting by getting more power on the world. One of the amazing things about this show is that there is no one central character. Yes, we have Sonic, the title character. Who is technically the main character. But there is also Sally, Antoine, Rotor, Bunnie Rabbot. Heck even Robotnik's nephew, Snivley you could argue is a major character. Which is not a surprise, as he is the second cast member credited.All of them, Antoine being the exception, are actually very well developed in even more so in a time when shows like these were expected to just be turn your mind off entertainment. Nothing was expecting it to be the Star Wars of kids shows. Which if there ever was one, it is this show. The effects, while arguably dated now, were superb back in 1993, when this show first came out. And while the characters might not look the best anymore, the lands and world building the show had is outstanding. There is in reality so much good from this show that is is hard to tell what is bad about it. In fact, it is even harder to actually tell what is good about it in depth. From the moment the theme song ended in the first episode to the red glowing eyes in the last episode, you are sucked into this world. You want to see Sonic and his team win, but over time you start to see that you might actually want Robotnik, or at least his nephew, to make it out alive. The voice acting. Don't even get me started on that. If I wanted to, I could make the entire review just about the outstanding performances given in not only every character, but every single line. When I sat down to watch this 26 episode masterpiece, I saw it all in one sitting. When I was done, I felt like I was on the couch for twenty minutes. That is how much it pulls you into the world. This show was so much better than we were expecting it to be. This show was so much better than it needed to be. Than it should have been.While Birth of a Nation may have been the birth of filmmaking on its own level, this was the birth of kids shows in their own levels to. This was the show that showed people that kids shows can be intelligent, can be deep and developed and have story telling as good if not better than adult shows these days. Avatar and all those amazing shows that people talk about cannot have been made or even considered without this show. Not only was this one of the best kids shows ever made, this show is possibly one of the best shows to come out of the nineties. This was back in the days when Sonic was considered to be one of the best franchises ever made. This was in the decade of time when Sonic was almost unstoppable. If only we knew that every Sonic show following would only get worse and worse. But don't worry about that. We have this show and as long as that is around, we are fine. This show gets full grade. 10/10. There is so much great in this show that everything bad is minor by comparison. The worst scene of this is still a thousand times better than the best scene of most cartoons these days. Until shows like Digimon Tamers, Frontier, and Avatar this was the best kids show ever made. Hands down, not even with a close range. Arguably better than the other three I listed, this show is a true gem of television. Worth checking out even if you are not a Sonic fan. Because you are watching a birth of a art.
    montagrappa This has always been my favorite Sonic show ever since I first saw it as a kid. Before seeing this, I had seen 4 or so episodes of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (which I like, die-hard Sonic fan that I am, but not as much as this series). I still remember that fateful Saturday morning. I turn on the TV, having heard that Sonic would be coming on soon, & then sit back & relax. Then, I'm shocked that it isn't the Sonic I saw before. Regardless, I continue to watch & am amazed at the awesome theme song. I sit through the whole episode & by the time the credits rolled, I was hooked for life. I know how some people didn't like this show as a kid, but I did. I guess it's because, even as a kid, I liked dark stuff. In fact, I preferred dark stuff. Not that much of a preference, but it was still there. Transformers & Sailor Moon were my favorite cartoons because of their dark moments. But those are other stories for other reviews, which should be coming soon. So naturally this show was right up my alley.The whole series was just brilliant. The stories were excellent & varied. Sonic Boom & Ultra Sonic still strike an emotional chord in me. The 5-part Doomsday project series was my favorite. Most of the other episodes were thrilling. Even those much-hated comedic episodes were funny. Aside from the stories, my favorite part was the characters. Despite what some people say, I have always thought that this show had a good amount of Sonic, & without him it wouldn't have been the same AT ALL. I loved all the Freedom Fighters. My favorite was Bunni. I thought she was so cool. My 2nd favorite was Sally. She & Sonic were the perfect match. I also loved Dulcy (the series charming dragon), Rotor (although I didn't like his redesign in season 2), & even Antoine (he WAS pretty hilarious). They were all well-designed, well-voiced & thought out.And now for the one part I must mention-how it was canceled before it's time. With the exception of War Planets, this would be the one show I would've saved from cancellation. I mean, the comic kept going on, so why not the cartoon? It seems that it will be revived someday, & I only hope that they'll do it right.BOTTOM LINE: 10/10- Tied with War Planets & SWAT Kats for 4th best cartoon ever.