Sonic Boom
Sonic Boom
TV-Y7 | 08 November 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Wordiezett So much average
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    morganstephens512 I will not lie, the first five to ten episodes are terrible. Which accounts for nearly two hours of screen time. But if you decide that you are able to sit through that until then, the show does get better and you will begin to enjoy yourself a ton. The jokes get better, the characters are more fun, and the whole setting and feel to it starts to actually really get you going. Like I said, if you can make it through the first ten episodes you are in for a real treat that does not stop getting better and better with each progressing episode.
    Tailscritic I have watched this Sonic series from Season One to the Current Season Season Two airings and I ask myself after each episode plot... Why? This show literally has nothing going for it other than just to make you laugh at false character stereo-types and more... Sonic isn't a comedy or ever should be! Where's the fast paced thrilling and dramatic action? Why isn't Eggman trying to split the world in half instead of trying to establish more of a friendship between Sonic and his friends and cracking jokes all the damn time! What has happened here!!? The writing is very dull and literally took ten seconds to come up with. There are plenty of annoying characters that don't even look like they belong in the Sonic Universe and have no general purpose whatsoever, the episode plots are just inexcusable and don't have any purpose to be in a world where Sonic and his friends are starred in it. By the way, where are the humans at? Ever since Sonic Adventure there has always been humans involved in Sonic's world. How could any Sonic fan accept this mess of a series? I guess some of the fan-base have very low expectations and will just overlook the quality and just accept anything that has Sonic name and label slapped on it. I could literally make a episode plot about Sonic tickling Tails and it would go viral. QUALITY FOLKS! Don't just be impressed that Sonic made it into the cartoon! Think about what he should actually be doing coming off from the games like saving the world, gathering the seven chaos emeralds, characters that have a huge influence on the story and dramatic and action packed scenes.It's not cleverly written! It's not remotely decent! Bad episode plots in general! Annoying and pointless villager characters, No villain, No quality control whatsoever! Sonic X did way better despite Chris which was a minor complaint!
    superdupergiraffe I don't know a lot about Sonic. I was a Nintendo kid when growing up so played Sonic a couple times at friends houses but that was it. I am aware of the lore that's grown around it and the concerns of people who've followed Sonic and friends throughout the games. When a company continues a franchise there's always a concern about whether they will be treating the characters and story with the reverence due to them. Sonic Boom tosses all of that out the window and it is all the better for it. The characters are reduced to their basic personalities which is bad if you've watched them grow but great when you intend to have them bounce off each other in stories. So Sonic is arrogant, Tails is brainy and good natured if a bit naive, Knuckles is a strong dimwit, Amy is conscientious, and Sticks is a paranoid anarchic lunatic. Dr. Eggman is a villain but more of a needy overblown weekly threat bully instead of an existential.These characters combine together to work through standard sitcom plots. It's not an adventure show and I feel that's why many reviewers are disappointed. Sonic Boom has answered the age-old question "So you want a realistic down-to-earth show that's completely off the wall and swarming with magic robots?". One episode is about Tails in love with a girl with his friends in the giving advice on how to approach her while Dr. Eggman is in the background trying to pickup a courier package but continually missing the delivery. Another is about Dr. Eggman assembling a group of villains to attack Sonic and to train they go through a series of team building exercises while Sonic and friends try and fail to build a piece of off-brand IKEA furniture. The animation is bright, colourful, and expressive. It don't showcase amazing setpiece battles and there's never a huge amount of stuff happening on screen but I'm pretty sure that they're limited by their budget. It would be nice if they could hire an action director to help. I don't really care if sonic's arms are blue or not, if he looks off-model it's still good. (Take that Sonic fans!)Finally, there's the absolutely stellar writing. the plots are clichéd and hackneyed because you've seen them on every cartoon and sitcom before, the writing is aware of this and highlights tropes while continuing on with the story. It's a neat high-wire act, simultaneously charging ahead with a story while pointing out how ridiculous the situation is. There are jokes about the mundane aspects of everyday life. There are jokes with a specificity that kids shows normally don't bother with, it isn't enough that Dr. Eggman has an octopusbot that Sonic mistakes as a squidbot, Dr. Eggman points out the relative size of the head to the tentacles making it clear what animal it is. This decade is a time of truly great cartoons, Bojack Horseman, Rick & Morty, Archer, Adventure Time, Legend of Korra, and others. Sonic Boom skews younger with it's bright colours but the writing really does put it up there. The second season seems to pretty good as well with a parody of Misery so I would encourage you to check it out.
    Joyce Ismael Ever since it's reveal back in the past few years...I'm a bit excited for this show...but when it came out in 2014, it's equally as bad as it's games! Seriously, where's the action, adventure and comedy? Speaking of comedy...the humor in this show is almost as terrible as a 3-year-old kid can come up with. I immediately stopped watching this abomination after realizing that Tails has a girlfriend...she's gonna pay for dating my most favorite character of all time! Do yourselves a favor and do NOT watch this poorly-written spin off! Did I mention that Sticks is annoying as heck? It ruins the good name of Sonic the Hedgehog, not to mention it's plots are boring, too.