Secret Diary of a Call Girl
Secret Diary of a Call Girl
| 27 September 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    Ciara Shrager I managed to watch the entire show, all three series, in the space of one weekend. Billie Piper was flawless, Iddo Goldberg was brilliant and Cherie Lunghi was perfect for the part of Stephanie. I loved this show, definitely one of my favourite series' out there, and probably will be for a long time. The series is down to earth, gritty and real. I guarantee you will fall in love with the character of Hannah instantly.I love the way Billie Piper breaks the fourth wall and speaks to the audience throughout the drama. It really makes you feel like you're involved in it, like you're there, on the set with Billie Piper and Iddo Goldberg. The only fault I have with the show is the acting of Ashley Madekwe. I don't feel that she was right for the part of Bambi and was generally not persuaded by her acting or character representation in the slightest.
    carms89 When I watched the first episode I will admit I was rather scandalized. The sex is pretty graphic and they don't sugar coat too much. However, as the series went on I found myself really enjoying the characters and dying to know what would happen to Belle next. The life of a prostitute seems anything but glamorous in modern society but with in this show it was portrayed in a fun and fresh way.This is not the show for everyone but for something fluffy to watch with some Hagen Daas and your girlfriends its rather enjoyable. I would have appreciated more character build up with more overlapping characters. However, keeping in mind that it was only 8 - twenty minute episodes I have high hopes for season two.Very Sex and the City. Only British ... and starring Samantha.
    the_mad-scientist Ms Piper is quality, her timing and playing to camera are excellent, a female Alfie?What lets the program down is the 30 minute time slot, and this restricts the progression of the narrative. I would have liked to see more of the meeting between her agent and the girls. The lingering exterior shots are reminiscent of US series, and perhaps that is a future target for this show, however they just seemed like fillers.The amount of information that the book and blogs provide, should easily fill the time, and a decent (or indecent) series.Made me laugh, and the bit with the saddle, brave people. I hope they did not have too many takes, looks exhausting.By and large a good attempt at a difficult subject, I wonder what Channel 4 would have done with the same book?As for the aforementioned Ms Piper, sultry and naughty, very good. Watch it and laugh at how ridiculous we can all appear during sex.
    DVD_Connoisseur "Secret Diary of a Call Girl", Billie Piper's controversial and highly adult series, is the first home-grown drama from ITV2. Based on the blog and subsequent novel by the mysterious Belle de Jour, this is an insight into the life of a high-end call girl who turns normal prostitute stereotypes on their head. Annoyingly, the production has a slightly soft focus sheen which gives it a somewhat abstract (and low budget) feel. Visualise an '80s pop promo and you'll know what I mean!It's only a matter of minutes before the first episode kicks into gear with Piper delivering energetic, simulated fellatio on a gawping customer. For British television, this is no-holds-barred stuff with "F" and "C" words, and relatively graphic imagery at every turn. I was pleasantly surprised at the bravery of this drama - it doesn't disappoint but despite the sexual gymnastics on display, the series lacks any real erotic content. It has the substance of a late-night MTV video.Piper herself delivers a great performance. She's as likable as always as both Hannah and her late-night alter ego and she makes the most of the relatively light material contained within the script.The beautiful Cherie Lunghi plays Piper's agent, Stephanie, a no-nonsense, straight-talking businesswoman. Marvellous stuff.8 out of 10. With this series, Piper has shrugged off the shadow of "Doctor Who"'s Rose and entered a whole new territory. Without a doubt, she's an actress that will continue to enjoy success in the fields of television and cinema.
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