Head Cases
Head Cases
TV-PG | 14 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    drbjb03 This show had everything going for it. Well written, very well acted, and well directed. As a psychologist, I appreciate the reasonably authentic depictions of both OCD and Panic Attacks. This tanked because the second episode was up against the season premiere of "Lost." Not exactly rocket science to figure out why most people were watching the #1 TV show.Fox is a gutless wonder!!Interesting, I've just been told that "my comment does not contain enough lines," so I have to expand the comments." My life challenge is to learn to say things succinctly. I make a stab at it, and Oops, not long enough.Well, I have plenty to say - What I really liked about the show was that unlike most TV series, the characters acted like real people. I found it humorous that the Chris O'Donnell character thought that he would waltz right back into this fast track to the top position in a high profile law firm - after a short stay in a mental hospital. Maybe he needed to return to the hospital for a reality check.Loved the show, hate Fox.
    Abhinav Praneet hi this is abhinav. although i am not from the US of A (working temporarily in California), i still tune into most of the shows, since we do get them in India.so when i got to know that Head Cases got canceled after only 2 shows, i was surprised since the show seemed to have pretty good content and good star cast too. the comic timing of both Chris and Adam was nicely tuned and they seemed to compliment each other with respect to the roles they were portraying.the backdrop of Venice,CA gave it the right zing since the show deals with legal theme and it does become stale to see boring and usual setting of such shows.don't know what are the reasons to do that, but i do vote for it to be restored back!!
    mommy9000 I decided to watch this show even though TV guide, Entertainment Weekly and IMDb:TV didn't pick it as a sure hit. I was surprised to find that I love it. This show has definite potential. I think there is definite chemistry between Chris O'Donnell and Adam Goldberg. They make a great TV duo. I found myself laughing out loud at a lot of the lines. Most of the characters are likable yet pretty quirky; I love Richard Kind as the naked guy. The cases they take on are odd, yet rooted in reality and very interesting. I hope this show makes it. I give this show *** out of ****. Please watch and recommend to your friends!!! I don't want this show to get canceled.
    yettaweiss After watching the pilot tonight on Fox (9/14/05) I can see this show will develop into a great drama/comedy. Chris O'Donnell and Adam Goldberg are both great actors and I was actually surprised they have come to television. Adam's character's eccentric behavior works perfectly off of Chris's character, who is the perfect "straight man" in this show. The writing is excellent, as is the direction. If only Fox allows it to continue for an entire season. Anyone who has fallen in love with a great show on Fox is well aware that the station tends to cancel a show, no matter how great, due to poor ratings. Since Head Cases is up against Lost, I'm not quite sure how it will do ratings wise. I can only hope Fox allows it to run a long course, and more people begin watching. I think promotion by Fox and good word of mouth by viewers are key.