TV-14 | 01 January 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    ZinQ But the first episode of the second season was absolutely awful.If this does not improve rapidly, it will be cancelled for good.
    anna-59976 Maxine came from no where and went right to #2 REALLY? All the people who worked with him for years ect and they just get pushed away because he has a guilt/emorse because she lost her Mother when he was working with others? PLEASE. NO WAY the team/others stand for that I do not care what you say She is useless in the stories Get RID of her character
    maniconzero Another shitty series to watch while you are so bored with your life. Cant believe how much these are coming from US. But who cares about series when your president is messing up every human real thing in this world. Oh 4 lines of truth wasn't enough. just doing what internet movie database wants. Peace.
    jeffsanford I have enjoyed both episodes so far, as has the family. This is based on an actual person, like Lie to Me was, as well as Scorpion. I would rank this above Scorpion, which has gotten mundane. Lie to Me is better than this. But, I really like the characters in this show, and look forward to further character development.The stories are good and are unique when compared to other hostage negotiation shows. The main character uses realistic techniques, so that is a plus. The technology is not realistic, yet, but is entertaining. If you like Flashpoint, or Bull, or Lie to Me, then you will really like this show.
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