The Kill Point
The Kill Point
| 22 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Mjeteconer Just perfect...
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    chicagopoetry I guess I thought, since this was a Spike production about a bank robbery, I was in store for something in the lines of Reservoir Dogs, but instead I got a bunch of whiny, sensitive guys dragging out an implausible plot with a million holes in it. If they were going to offer such a typical story, they should have at least gone all out John Woo style, but I've seen more drama and gore on CSI. When a woman gets shot in the neck, blood should spurt out. No? Please don't tell me this was all for a Fusion triple razor product placement, because that's what it feels like to me. This isn't Sleeper Cell, this certainly isn't Season One of Prison Break, and just because so many similar actors appear in it, that doesn't make this The Wire. There is not much to like about any of the character; perhaps a little bit of flashback might have helped, because we absolutely do not understand where they are coming from. The plot doesn't make much sense; for example, are we really suppose to believe the black sniper on the roof is staying put, harping one liners at his dopey eyed white partner—for several days? It's not cohesive, but it certainly is long and drawn out. What I can't understand is why the police special tactics unit is more experienced than a bunch of vets who have actually seen action on a daily basis in Iraq? Also, why was the plan to rob the bank so sloppy? They didn't think to collect the cell phones from the start? Duh, that would have saved a lot of trouble, and lives. This show is not very convincing fantasy. Why do they keep letting the boss of the gang out of the bank to incite the crowd? Why do they keep letting the father of the boy run amok to conspire when he should be debriefed in some secure location? Why does a pad of paper look like a gun to a highly trained SWAT team? Hell, nobody protests anything, even when our president lies about the reasons for going to war, so why are vets showing up at a bank robbery with signs to demonstrate against the war? And no paramedics as the hostages come out? Give me a break. We live in a numb society, not this TV show. This show is silly, and Donnie Walhberg makes it even sillier. There is no humor and too much drama. There is no suspense, just too much happening, but nothing unexpected. Too much talk. The writing is so simplistic that the very talented cast can't even breath life into it. This is not the worst TV show ever, but it is certainly nowhere near the best. This could have been the Dog Day Afternoon of our times, if it had been edited down to two hours instead of five. We can't figure out who is good and who is bad but much worse, we don't really care. This show lacks motivation. The big speeches are forced and unintentionally comic. And the sub plots go nowhere. I'm guessing the writers know nothing about the military, nothing about police, nothing about banks or bank robberies, and most tragically nothing about human nature. They just saw a bunch of old b movies and decided to make one for themselves. The last two episodes get pretty intense, but its sort of like A Better Tomorrow Part Two, not worth the wait.
    bob the moo A quiet working day in the centre of Pittsburgh is momentarily disrupted when a group of masked armed men walk into a bank and, with ruthless efficiency rob it and leave within minutes. However a passing cop, a security van and an FBI agent all come together at the wrong moment for the gang and the result is a gun battle in the street. Retreating back into the bank, the groups leader, Mr Wolf immediately sets up a hostage situation and prepares to defend the bank. Outside, Police negotiator Horst Cali learns that he is facing a group of Iraq veterans and political pressure starts to mount on him and his working style.This got a bit of a mention in The Times and Guardian and it made me decide to check it out. Although it was not brilliant, the show was short enough both in terms of running time of each episode (if you forward the adverts) and the overall season (eight episodes). To be honest the main thing that grabbed me about it was that it does seem to have been somewhat of an acting "busman's holiday" for a chunk of the cast of HBO's brilliant The Wire. Sadly the overriding thought in my head seeing so many of them together in one place was that it is genuinely unlikely any will ever have work that good again, but still it was nice to see them. On The Kill Point itself, the series throws the viewer right into the bank job and the first episode is pretty frantic. In the style of 24 it tries to keep this up and some episodes do really well on it, but it does have frequent and clunky dips in pace that frustrate.These aside, it must also be said that the whole series is not quite a great example of how to maintain pace and deliver within a thriller. The themes surrounding Iraq are held up like billboards rather than woven into the story and characters and likewise some emotional content is ham-fisted in delivery and just serves to suck dramatic tension out of the series rather than increasing it by adding depth. That said it still functions at a level that the majority will find distracting, if never really gripping. The direction gives proceedings tension but somehow never nails "urgency" in the way that I wanted.The cast back up the "solid but not special" feel that the whole thing has, with reasonable performances from reasonable actors. Leguizamo leads the cast well with the strongest performance and character, getting the conflict and urgency in his character. Wahlberg is nearly as good when given the material but his grammar pedantry is nonsense (his own dialogue is full of "less" instead of "fewer" and such) and it is a crass quirk that doesn't work. Davidson is satisfyingly unhinged and works well with Grillo's incredibly buff (and I say this as a straight guy) and charming performance. The Wire's Fitzpatrick and JD Williams are both good but don't have much to do – the latter in particular quite hard to watch as he doesn't have a lot to get his teeth into in the way he did in The Wire. Although really this could be said of all of them but not in the same way. Hyatt has more time on screen than in The Wire (where she was Avon's sister) but she is not that good with it and she cannot get her character to work. Conversely Michael Williams seems to be unable to escape the wonderful character of Omar, although fan that I am, this is not a bad thing really. He has dialogue that could have been given to Omar (with a bit of tightening) but for the majority of the series he appears to be in his own show, totally detached in terms of plot and material from the rest of the goings-on! Enough "The Wire" chat though, I am conscious that I am already a bore on the subject, but the connection does add a novelty value to this show that it probably doesn't deserve. On its own terms, The Kill Point doesn't totally work but it has enough trash appeal to just about make it worth seeing if you want a couple of months of disposable distraction. It is far from being Dog Day Afternoon (although it has a touch of that), it lacks the urgency and pace of 24 (when it is good) and the writing lets it sag far too often for its own good but for the undemanding viewer it might just do the job.
    thinker1691 I was channel surfacing one night and fell headlong into this film. The reason I stayed and checked it out was due to the explosive action and the quick developing drama. Pulling up a chair, I continued to watch as it looked interesting and the major character was someone I recognized immediately from other action movies. I eventually gleaned from the episode that a group of Iraq Era Ex-soldiers has assembled and planned to rob a bank. Their leader was known as Mr. Wolf (John Leguzamo) That immediately gave me reason to return for the next episode. The good guy of the movie was also a notable actor in his own right. The Captain of the S.W.A.T team and main negotiator was known as Cali Horst (Donnie Wahlberg). They along with several other notable actors made the series plausible and entertaining. What developed in the story however was a character creating situation which continued to evolve into a rather standard and dull situation. From modern directors I expect something different. This film started out reminiscent of "Ocean's Eleven" but soon froze into a 'Petrified Forest' remake. It also contains several plastic stereotypes, which bent over backwards trying not to insult any religious, ethnic, or sexual element. After watching the last episode, I was wrong in my initial assessment. Had it not been for Leguzamo, this movie would have been written off as "Same Old, Same Old.' As it is, he made it worth finishing, disappointing as it was. ***
    hpaigeh10 This show is awesome! It's unpredictable & it's exciting. The performances are awesome as well. There is a great dialoge with a great story. It is about a group of soldiers that fought in Iraq & want their pension. They also want some respect for all their hard work and fighting (That's true. Some some respect to our soldiers!). John Leguizamo plays the main "villain" in the show, Jake Mendes aka Mr. Wolf. Mr. Wolf is not really bad guy. He is doing a terrible thing, but you see that he does regret about some of his decisions. A real villain would not do that. Donnie Wahlberg plays the police negoitater, Horst Cali. He is just as tough as Mr. Wolf & is determined that no one dies while he is in command. I can't wait to see how it all comes down.
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