TV-14 | 15 March 2009 (USA)

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    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    dukemunsill94 Where is God in television these days? The TV world has gone way down the drain the past twenty years and has not really been producing anything very edifying for the soul, but Kings has brought us a great story. Based off of the Book of Kings in the Bible, which has turned out to be one of the greatest themes for a TV show. Kings is about David, who defeats one of the great tanks of the enemy army, a Goliath, and is proclaimed a hero, and soon it unwinds just like in the book of Kings, into a marvelous story! The king Silas or Saul in the book of Kings, is a border-line tyrant whose only goal it seems at points is to obtain glory for himself. David the peasant boy rises, though, in the charts of the people even higher than the king himself. It seems at times in the show that the king hates David and at others, loves him. So I highly recommend the show it is on Saturday nights. Watch it now! There is a rumor that it is going to be removed from TV after this season! -Duke
    storyquest101 While coming dangerously close to just echoing what I have already heard many times about Kings, I feel I can no longer not say anything. The NBC network show Kings, in my opinion, opens up the hope that there may be a bright future for the world of TV shows. It proves that a TV show can have passion, intelligence, originality and excellent casting and writing all at the same time, a concept that was all but alien to me until very recently. Now the real problem lies within getting a fan base for something like this. Too many people are content and/or prefer watching something on TV that won't force them to use the brain cells they do have, opting for something that they can fall asleep to after a long day's work. And yes, we all know there are a great many TV shows that excel at fulfilling that requirement. Now, while I will not begrudge the people that feel that they require nothing more from the television set every night, or even accept the fact that many cannot consume entertainment that demands a certain IQ level to watch, that still leaves me asking the question, what about us? For the longest time, I despised mainstream television because of this very reason. Now that something finally raises its head up above the countless carbon copies of simplicity and humdrum entertainment, promising a little something more, why is it that it is almost immediately knocked down? Is the intelligent public that small of a percentage? Well, I am one of the apparent few that appreciate something of this caliber. For those who feel that network television is a lost cause, Kings is perhaps one of the only, albeit probably short-lived hopes that there is a chance for something more. In ending, this show is highly recommended, and it's future is worth fighting for, if only to ensure there being at least one show on TV actually worth watching.
    stephanie-arnett I was so upset to discover that this show was being canceled- the themes are so elevated and the cinematography genius- I really don't know what to say about the cancellation- other than I am completely and utterly disappointed- has the viewing of TV become about silly jokes and stereotypical dialogue? Must there be some magical formula to determine the success of a show? Because here is a show that does not conform- that allows us to think @ a higher level- examines old dead themes in a fresh young way- that inspires others at work and in life- has a cast that any show would dream for and writers that speak not above us but to us- I ask you- how is this canceled? To the cast and crew- thank you so much- I have enjoyed you and have looked forward to your episodes- I am sorry for your cancellation- I am a fan- I support you and your work
    cindi-roberts This is not what I expected when I started watching this show. While I can see the religious parallels, it is not heavy handed or preachy. It is a compelling character and relationship driven show with the added benefit of giving us a glimpse into the intricacies of royalty (albeit fictional royalty with substantial issues every week). While some of the story lines are more interesting than others, none are outright boring to watch. Elements of Kings have the feel of 80s dramas like Dallas and Dynasty but done in a classier way with far more complexity. The characters are cast with the perfect actors and developed enough to get my emotional attention. I find myself rooting for and against different relationships. Definitely worth the investment to watch it. Great show!