Poltergeist: The Legacy
Poltergeist: The Legacy
TV-PG | 21 April 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
    Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    shinsrevenge Poltergeist - The Legacy is a mystery series I watched for the first time, when I was very young. It took many years to come across it again and I loved it the second time around just as much as the first.It is stated as horror/sci-fi, but to my opinion, most of the episodes revolve rather around mystery, since there aren't much horrific scenes. Some episodes (like "The irish jug" 3:11) are even funny. Even though in it's best times, it provides an eerie atmosphere, which is just great, the series unfortunately has about 4 episodes, which aren't only filler, but they are merely chopped together from earlier parts. I don't mind flashbacks, but when 2/3 (or even more) of an episode consist of them, this gets almost annoying.Most of the characters I really liked. They growed on to me. Especially Derek with his wisdom and experience and the spirited Nick with his Charme. Rachel and Alex were okay. I somehow disliked Kristin. Katt was nice in the first episodes with her, but later the disputes between her and Rachel often got to my nerves. The whole subplot of Katt and her magic seemed out of place for me. When I'm watching a series about a group of adults fighting dreadful fiends, I'm not that interested in a kid's adventure with its little friends.Apropos fiends, some of their enemies come back from hell way to often. After watching them the nth time, when they fight that Horton again, you'll understand what I mean.However, altogether "Poltergeist" is a good series, even though there are better ones like "Outer Limits". 7/10
    clagodna I've been following the episodes on Chiller and noticed that the one I'm watching now "Infernal Affairs" isn't listed as an episode. In fact none of the ones that have been on since the showing of "Sabbath's End" are listed. Tomorrow the episode is "The Beast Within" so I guess the series is back on track, but where did these additional shows come from? I've done some additional searching online, but haven't found anything about them. The one today is nothing special because it's just clips from previous shows put together around some loose plot to form a show. I figure this is just a way to get a program when the writer's are lost for a new idea.
    jami-2 PTL is one of the most exiting shows ever! With an all star cast like Helen Shaver(who has starred in many movies as well as tv shows) Alexandra Purvis, (who is is the upcoming theatrical release Marine life) and many others, plus special effects and story lines that draw you into their world, it's no wonder there are over 1000 sites devoted enitrely to it! It airs monday-friday on SciFi channel @11eastern, and saturdays on some syndications. Though the show aired it's last episode, there are campains to get it back into production (And we all know what happened when StarTrek fans did that!) :)Watch it and you will understand.
    Bridget Brown I am not that much into horror shows, but I believe "Poltergeist: The Legacy" is a show that will get you hooked. When I saw "Brother's Keeper" on a USA marathon, I got hooked watching as The Undertaker (Soul Chaser) was on Jimmy's tail. (Nick's brother) All in all it was a good show, despite the fact that 'Taker died. The bottom line is... it's a good show, with twisting storylines that even I can't come up with!