Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
| 30 July 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Rahel Barbara Horvat I watched it from the communist world back then, where it was a total hit and a primary tool of introducing American culture and Western life style. It was unique for its immaculate casting, acting talent, witty and intelligently written script that allowed for just a perfect doze of drama as it did of humor, rather than its too many bad and off the point story lines. SB reigned supreme during its first four years and then went South. Many themes were intelligently exploited, including motherhood, rape, racial issue, woman's independence, friendships. But then, many were over or under done. At some point there was too much adulterating, too many broken marriages, divorces, pregnancies that ended in abortions, too many alter-ego cards, too many woman raped and too many ridiculously matched couples (Lionel and Gina, CC and Santana????). Procreation rates on SB were extremely low. Only three children were born by the end of the show, which is a small number given so many couples that appeared on the show. Sometime in the middle, the script greatly departed from its original focus on the two rich families. Too many actors and characters came and left the show without proper closure to the viewers. The show did not give us a proper justification for the riches of these families and how these accumulated, so that we mostly saw characters just hang around, drink expensive champagne, or attend parties. Except Cruz, Julia and maybe Mason, no one seemed to actually have a job (except on occasion and for some characters). Even CC, the richest man in SB was rarely seen in his office. Action was great when there was one, but too many characters were too infrequently engaged in any action. SB was great, but it could have been so much better if some things were done differently. It still remains a sweet memory and warms our hearts for the sake of the old times.
    crumbchris I am simply overjoyed to see so much love for this unique and superior daytime soap! I have always loved this show (and I am NOT a daytime soap fan), and it seems to me that just about everyone who has seen it would agree that it was way above the cut. I came across it quite by accident and became addicted for years to come. Many people have mentioned how great the writing was, or how it managed to incorporate comedy into it regularly. The storylines were always intricate, thrilling and well thought-out. Some of the actors on this show were simply Oscar-worthy, and many have gone on to achieve considerable success in the industry, most notably Robin Wright Penn (She was always a natural). The relationship/repartee between Mason (Lane Davies) and Julia (Nancy Grahn) was pure, unadulterated genius. They were like "Moonlighting" meets Hepburn & Tracy. Gina (Robin Mattson) and Keith (Justin Deas) were simply outrageous! Never were two evil people so darn entertaining at every turn! Not only that, but Ms. Mattson managed to make Gina a character who you could sympathize with on same level, in spite of all her flaws. Her love for her son, Brandon, was NEVER in question, although her treatment of just about everyone else was deplorable! I should mention that the original Gina (Linda Gibboney) was simply outstanding, and I was shocked to see her go. It took me a while to warm up to Ms. Mattson, who gave the character a different twist, but in her capable and accomplished hands, I grew to love her portaryal. This show worked on so many levels. It definitely deserved the Emmys it won. In fact, it deserved many, many more. I would like to take a moment to comment on the real people behind the characters. I am an actor, writer, director, singer and producer. I used to watch this show when I was about 12 and 13 years old. As a young kid with stars in his eyes, I would write to all the actors, and so many of them were beyond accomodating. A Martinez, who played Cruz, used to write back to me every month. And, he didn't just drop a note. He would write complete letters, answering all my questions and responding to all my hopes and aspirations. He saw this young kid who looked up to him, and he embraced it. It is people like that who truly gave me inspiration to follow my dreams and goals. Another one who would always take the time to write me back was Jane Sibbett, who played Jane. These people really took the time to reach out to me and make me feel valued, and that has affected me into my adult years. I should point out that both of these actors work consisitently. Jane Sibbett was part of another superb show called "Herman's Head" for four years. I truly am happy for them. Finally, I had the pleasure of running into Judith McConnell, who played Sophia, at an audition recently. I couldn't resist telling her how much I loved the show. She was with her daughter, and her eyes just lit up. I can tell you, from speaking to her, that she loved doing the show as much as we loved watching it. They knew they had something special and extraordinary, and the years she spent on that show are very fond in her memory. Meeting her was a great experience, because I got to connect to her in a real way. She was very gracious and appreciative, and can I say she looks fabulous? She looks like she's still in her late thirties, and she's got to be about sixty! I wish every one who had a part in this show success, and I would be honored one day to work with just about any of them.
    Yama1981 I was little boy when the war in my country started. i remember what one soldier on TV said: I do not know what will last longer this war or Santa Barbara. (santa barbara lasted longer)when i remember those days i almost cry for my childhood and Santa Barbara. I remmember day when we had no electric power so we went few miles to the house with power to watch this show.Great show, but not to watch it my neighbours pray God in church for Eden and A. Martinez
    Gary M. James If it wasn't for a chance meeting with a college roommate and his family on a Thanksgiving weekend in 1987, I probably wouldn't have paid too much attention to "Santa Barbara". I usually would've stayed with "General Hospital" or "Guiding Light" which was in the same time slot as SB.What made SB slightly better than other daytime (and some nighttime) shows was that the show was able to balance between comedy and drama effortlessly. When it was funny, the dialog was biting and when it was dramatic, it was heartbreaking. It kept me interested in what was going to happen to these characters. I was also impressed with the actors on the show. I started watching the show about 1987 after a number of cast members, including Robin Wright, left the show. As Cruz Castillo and Eden Capwell, the chemistry between A Martinez and Marcy Walker steamed up the TV screen. Prior to SB, Martinez seemed to always play the stereotypical Hispanic villain in many 1970s TV crime dramas. It was very nice to see Martinez playing a romantic lead. Eden and Cruz were not the only one that had great chemistry. There was Mason Capwell & Julia Wainwright (Lane Davies and Nancy Lee Grahn. Arguably, I thought Gordon Thompson did a good job playing as Mason as well.) also CC Capwell and Sophia Wayne (Jed Allen and Judith McConnell). There were characters on the show that were way over-the-top like Gina Blake (Robin Mattson) and Augusta Lockridge (Louise Sorel). But it didn't matter that they were over-the-top. They were lively, unpredictable and interesting people.With the number of daytime viewers dropping and fewer dramas in production right now, I don't know if there will ever be a more entertaining daytime drama like "Santa Barbara". As another user mentioned before, it certainly was ahead of it's time.