| 13 February 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
    dsimp1 I agree with others who have praised this series. I watched it on TV when it was first screened and when it was rerun I fortunately caught most episodes.Unfortunately at the time I did not have a VCR to tape them and include in my collection. I bought an episode from the ABC but it cost over a hundred bucks, so I didn't buy any more. I wish they would rerun it again so I can record them all however I fear the PC brigade from the Left are firmly in charge at the ABC now so I doubt that will happen.The script, acting & camera work were spot on and I still recall how enjoyable it was, watching it for the first time each week. If anyone made or has copies my email is:
    windowboi There are few series that I EVER became seriously addicted to, and PHOENIX tops the list! I saw in in the mid-90's when it was broadcast on public television (Knowledge Network) in British Columbia Canada. I stopped watching any American crime dramas that i had been interested in after watching Phoenix. The quality and detail were so far above the type of programming at the time. People now are all caught up in the whole 'CSI' experience and i see that these productions still pale to Phoenix. The concept of one crime and it playing out over a whole season had not been seen by myself before. The idea that you might miss an episode and REALLY miss something was so real! I totally loved the grittiness of the show. The scenes of profanity and violence, and yes nudity too... were a bit shocking compared to US television; but it was all done with context. I have tried watching other Australian series simply on the high regard I have for Phoenix and Phoenix II. I think this is listed elsewhere as 1991 and 1992?I would love to see it again! I saw the ABC price for the series and almost cried.
    rainbow-13 This is one of the finest series I've seen. Concentrating on the main thread, each episode has different themes, which all come together at the end. Brilliant! Sadly, the second series went off the rails and, yet again, they killed off great potential. Worth anyone watching - you need to watch carefully, but it's so gripping that's no problem.
    Knowall-2 To me this series was absolutely spell binding. It is based on actual events but cleverly disguised as a Police Drama. The story covers a bombing in a city and the subsequent investigation over several episodes. Dramatic licence is there but the program is believable and never over the top. The program used a former police officer arson expert as there technical adviser and as a former member of this police force, the jargon and officer behaviour was terribly accurate. If you are lucky enough to come across a re-run of this series, watch it. It is interesting from the start and the actual forensic science techniques used are true. One last comment, I'm not the bozo forensic chemist, just his assistant.