TV-14 | 24 November 2009 (USA)

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    Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    R Has Paradox is obviously inspired by Fringe: Heavily featured out of the way City (Boston/Manchester), Blonde female lead, Mysterious high tech corporation behind the happenings, something else I won't mention to not spoil Fringe plot, Team that is formed from the normal police force but deployed to track unexplained phenomenon, socially awkward scientists provide technical support. I love both shows, but I think Paradox is more intelligent and disciplined. Fringe is all over the place (and fascinating for it), but Paradox stays focused on one phenomenon and milks it. Each episode you get a little more. With Fringe I get the feeling that we are being introduced to an ever increasing piece of an ever increasing pie. In other words, that there is no way we are ever going to get a complete explanation. But with Paradox, I may hold out hope. I also like the way that both shows are filmed on location. You definitely get a feel for the cities.
    zoz-603-463961 A new British sci-fi series is always an event in my book and Paradox, after 3 episodes, offers a solid start to what looks like an entertaining sci-fi/detective series. As much as I like Fringe, Flashforward, Lost etc the Brits have a knack for creating identifiable, real world characters far removed from the generic, glossy airbrush identi-kit personalities that the States love so much. real people with real problems thrust into a realistic drama. How would you react if your computer suddenly started showing you images from the future? A show with a ton of promise... lets hope they continue to raise the bar for intelligent, realistic scifi as the show progresses.
    Roberto Furlani Yes, it's not an American TV show. So you will not find tons of special effects, sophisticated action scenes and so on. In the other hand, you can count on a very intelligent script, good acting and very nice and well prepared suspense scenes. Actually, this TV show follows a kind of UK productions (and, being more specific, BBC productions) tradition, to present series with this quality (Survivors is another good example). Hopefully we will have more than the already predefined 5 episodes and, hopefully, the audience will not be frustrated with a premature end, without a convenient conclusion that bring some light to all open questions (what, unfortunately is quite common nowadays in other TV shows).
    smokingtyger If you are any kind of sci-fi fan and have a spark of imagination then you will probably have enjoyed this episode and be looking forward to the next one. The show is being compared to Flashforward because of the "information from the future" idea that is at at the root of each show; however, the two are treating the topic in vastly different ways so comparing this show to FF is like comparing apples and oranges. Personally I find FF to be pretentious, preachy, and boring. I think that Paradox has the potential to be a vastly more interesting and compelling show. I found this episode to be actually gripping, and it has been a long time since any show has done that for me. Some have commented that the show is slow and that it takes the main characters too long to "put the pieces together". Since impossible things are by definition "impossible" I find it much more realistic to believe that regular human beings would have a very hard time accepting an impossible event in their lives. The need to normalize the event and somehow explain it away would be almost overwhelming. To accept an impossible event such as images from the future as clues to a disaster that is about to happen as real would be a profoundly life changing occurrence. Most of us do not want our certainties destroyed and our core ideas challenged. I found it superb writing that the characters have to be dragged kicking and screaming into accepting that something impossible is happening to them. The scene at the end where the female detective grabs the other detective with desperate need rang true to me. When your world is shaken like this the need for human connection and comfort is profound. Like the death of the little girl on the train it reflects what I saw as adult, intelligent, scripting. Overall I thought it was a good start and I am looking forward to what this week brings.