Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
TV-MA | 02 October 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
    Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
    Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Irishchatter I found the anime just full of pointless dumb jokes that weren't even that funny at all and had two annoying main characters with such stupid names! I'm just gonna leave it there.....
    Jim Fess My first impression was.. I kind of felt it was lower in quality from what I thought it was(in terms of substance itself, the show was well done through and through) but thats because I went in completely blind. I thought their was an actual premise(like most anime), well I suppose their is but for the most part this is just a bunch of mini adventures very episodic. My second thought was, "this reminds me of an American cartoon style rather than an anime". The style is very similar to something you'd find in America, & the episodes are basically two 15minute stories in 1 episode(like most children cartoons). Right from go this show gets down and dirty with profound language & dirty jokes, like extremely dirty this is by far the most profound language show I've ever seen(worse than "Family Guy" & "South Park"). They're literally just cursing to curse. This kinda turned me off to it at first because I wasn't expecting to watch some slapstick profound joke skit show but after an episode or two I stopped taking it serious and just accepted it as "something to watch & not really care about", after that I began to enjoy it more. Some episodes were definitely more funny to me than others, towards the end it finally started following more of an actual story, this definitely boosted my enjoyment & made me start getting into it more. The animation style is crazy, as I said it will remind you of something you'd expect to see on American TV but its so diverse in its style. Every scene is different, you never know what its going to look like until your staring at it, this was really cool. The music is amazing, especially the OP & ED. Some of the most catchy songs I've ever heard. The English dub was extremely well done, all the characters matched perfect. The story is extremely simple, the two main characters are angels, they get kicked out of heaven(for obvious reasons you'll understand in the first 10seconds of the series lol), they need to kill evil monsters to collected "heaven coins" to buy their way back into heaven. If you want something just stupid & comical and are okay with dick jokes & literally everything in between then check this out, if your more like me and are looking for something with a deeper level of story look else where.4ish/5? Why? Well I gave it such a high rating because its really well done, its just not something i'd necessarily hunt down to watch. The animation style is like nothing else, its awesome and diverse. The music is pretty epic, especially the op & ed. The dub is great, everyone matches perfectly. The story is pretty weak and simple but at the same time it needs to be exactly that simple in order for this show to work, so you can't really complain. Its profound, dirty & moderately funny. Don't take it serious and you'll enjoy it more. If your looking for something to throw on when you have a few minutes here and their then this is your show, if your looking for something to grab your attention & immerse you into that world making you binge watch the hole thing in 1 sitting this probably isn't it.(for me at least)
    bazmitch23 Yeah, it's a Japanese show pretending to be American. Having crudely drawn characters to be in the same area like South Park. But like South Park, it's one of those shows that's so offensive, you can't help but enjoy it.The makers of the show, their goal was to make it as gross and offensive as possible. I think they've succeeded.The amount of gross out gags in this show, involving poo, vomit, boogies, urine and other foul stuff would put anybody off. Episode 1 features a poo monster. I wonder did they get the idea from Dogma or Conker's Bad Fur Day?But those who have strong stomachs, you're welcome.For me the most disgusting episode is "Raiders of the Nasal Arc" which involves nose picking. Just be thankful, it's not in live action. There scene where everybody is picking their noses out of control, it looks like small meteorites coming out of their noses.The soundtrack is really amazing and the action scenes are fun to watch. My fave eps are "Les Diabolique", "Ghost: The Phantom of Daten City", "The Diet Syndrome", "The Stripping" and "Help! We Are Angels" My least fave episodes are "Vomiting Point" because it's so boring and "Chuck to the Future" where nothing happens at all.I'm only giving this an 8 because there are some things I don't like about it. It moves a tad too fast and you have to rewind to see what just happened. A lot of things happen all at once in this show. Some parts are just strange and happen out of no where, like in The Young Ones. In episode 13, Panty is at a farm, for some strange reason. It's never fully explained why she is there. Some episodes just end on a cliff hanger and is never explain how the characters survived to be in the next episode.I watched the English dub because I heard it was offensive. The writers I think did a great job on making it offensive. It only lasted one season, a second one was planned but the creator left due to creative differences. I don't think there will be a second season. But it's better to end it now than to have another season that's terrible. The Simpsons should've ended years ago. Less is more.I loved it. If you like rude, gross cartoons, you'll probably love it too.
    mengelscott This show is ripe with innuendos and suggestive material inappropriate for children, but the animation is pretty entertaining and the variation between the how episodes choose to be raunchy and lewd is enough to make this a show worth watching with some friends - if you're not laughing with the show, you're laughing at the show. If their show turns into a formula for presenting their sex jokes I can see it growing stale, but for the time being the show manages to do something different with every 15 minute short... except the sex and swearing is consistent, that's the heart of the animation.Don't watch this if you're watching for a story though...
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