Total Drama Island
Total Drama Island
TV-PG | 08 July 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    egonsalez Total drama Island, Total drama action, total drama world tour, and total drama all stars are the best seasons. The other ones I didn't like because the characters weren't really interesting. They were quite boring actually. There should be a new season with the original cast like a reunion. Duncan, Courtney, Heather, Alejandro are the most popular character so always use them. A lot of people didn't like Courtney and Duncan splitting when Duncan went with Gwen and Courtney liked Scott. Then at the end Courtney and Gwen made up. Honestly think Duncan and Courtney should of stayed together. But honestly more seasons with the original cast. This show is addicting, I can sure people can agree with me. Do not change a single thing except it shouldn't be Duncan and Gwen it should be Duncan and Courtney. More seasons!!!!!!!!!
    mervclan I mostly like this show its one of the best comedy shows on TV. The show is about 22 campers having adventures around the world but even if some episodes are bit sexy and a bit corny it is still a bloody good show it Win 1 award for best Animated show which I think it was great this show has the most best characters made my favorite characters are Bridgette DJ Cody and Courtney and may be Heather The characters I don't are Eva I think I don't her the most one because annoying and she has no kind heart in her but show is great and full of fun adventures lots of fun I like Disney and Doctor who and Thomas and other good old cartoons from the 80s 90s and the early 2000s so if you like shows like The simpsons or Inspector gadget or the All dogs go to heaven series I am then you will love this show I think this show is funny fun a bit corny sometimes but still very good I like this show so much I think I am almost a fan of it the characters are cool and funny but some of them I think its at its best I can't wait for season 4 I hope its any good so I give this 8 out of 10.
    Jon Williams The idea of skewering reality shows has already been done (and to much better effect) just check out Life's A Zoo or some episodes of Robot Chicken (they have done a much better job on Life's A Zoo of "taking the wind out of the sails" of "reality" TV shows).The things that I hate about this show are the animation and the writing, none of the "jokes" are that funny all of the characters are just stereotypes the animation is poorly drawn and the color palate they chose to use with all of it's bright pastel colors and shading hurts the eyes after awhile. This show must have been conceived by Teletoon (the Canadian version of Cartoon Network)to fill the mandatory Cancon requirements that state a certain portion of what they broadcast has to be Canadian produced, everything about this show and it's sister show total drama action just scream at the viewer "This was done on the cheap and nasty and we don't care".
    scbyrnetda this is the show that changed my view on children's cartoons today. i used to watch a lot of cartoons when i was little with my big bro. now I'm 16 and have a 7 year old niece and i was watching TV with her and they have all that chowder, spongebob and flapjack crap out now i thought felt like crying! what happened to power-puff girls, Johny bravo and old time nick????? these are the shows i grew up with, my childhood, gone! i felt like there was no good shows anymore like those, but then i came across this show. it has that good old adult humor that just flew over our heads when we where younger but we all get now. i can watch this with my niece and not worry about exposing her to Really bad stuff. i also relate to many of the people on the show, like Bridgett and Courtney. i know A LOT of people at my school who watch this and LOVE it! (most of them girls) teletoon is making some of the best cartoons today like 6teen, TDI/A, and the up-coming show stoked. they are really the Disney of cartoons and i LOVE THEM FOR IT!!!!!!!! U ROCK TELETOON, KEEP MAKING GOOD CARTOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!