TV-14 | 06 March 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    ThiefHott Too much of everything
    PodBill Just what I expected
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    justin-74-890942 IF that doesn't sell you, let me just say that this show is deceptively simple and deeply brilliant. Andy Daly's performance as Forrest is absolutely pitch perfect, by the end of the show you really feel like you've gotten to know and understand him and love him despite his many, many flaws.His pure devotion to his "reviews" to the extent that he completely ruins everything good or decent about his own life is always difficult to watch but my sides are usually sore from laughing by the end. Having not seen the Australian version I can't speak to that, but missing or dismissing this show because it's an American knock-off would be doing yourself a great disservice.
    eoqvlpfj-42239 This show is a weak reboot of the Australian show. It might have been better if Daly didn't play it as a fake character and actually performed some of the acts depicted, since fake reality TV is already a tiresome trope, it might have been a bit more entertaining if they used real people instead of extras posing as members of the public. It would have been better to really see him messed up on cocaine, or release a sex tape, the show is so weak its the only thing that can save it. Megan Stevenson is an annoying generic bubble-head, who essentially has no role on the show, other than to state the obvious to Daly, while auditioning for her next piece of sheet on the Fox News and Friends leg flesh stool.
    duncanbdm Yes, 'Review' is a brilliant concept. However, anyone touting it as refreshingly original or uniquely funny is sorely mistaken. The show 'Review' is actually an American reboot of the Australian comedy, 'Review with Myles Barlow' starring Phil Lloyd, first airing in 2008 (See the 'Did You Know?' section).The American 'Review' is a well made program, but like 'The Office (US)', it's a slightly less realistic, less painfully honest and altogether less well formulated show, despite the bigger budget. If you can find the Australian version (a lot of which is on Youtube), I'd recommend comparing the first review of both pilots, 'stealing', to get the idea. A few segments contain Australianisms that might not come across to a foreign audience, but with superior writing, beautifully painful situations and a consistently stellar performance from Phil Lloyd, it's definitely worth checking out.The American 'Review' is great nonetheless, even when it is painfully similar to situations from its Australian predecessor. It may be harder to identify a reboot with smaller series that don't come out of the US or the UK, but it's important to know where credit is due.
    Doc Johnson This guy doesn't get comedy. Amy schumer is a great comedian, but her show is trying to shove "funny" down your throat so hard that it loses credibility. The same goes for the kroll show. Review is a fresh concept and Andy pulls off laughs without trying so hard you shudder from the douche chills. I felt like it had just enough painful awkwardness without going overboard and relying on it to carry the show.I honestly thought the show was gonna be dumb when i saw the previews but I laughed non stop through the whole first episode. If it was any other host I think the show would be a flop but Andy is a perfect fit and plays the part flawlessly IMO. I give it a MILLION STARS!!!!!!!