My Babysitter's a Vampire
My Babysitter's a Vampire
TV-PG | 27 June 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    Shopaholic35 My Babysitter's A Vampire: The TV Show has the same charm and goofiness as the movie but unfortunately isn't as good. When you turn a movie into a TV Show the translation can be lost in the execution. The storytelling has been overlooked and each episode seems to have no direction. It really irks me when the characters don't develop and instead play over the same scenes with the same results. In no way is this show a bad show but it had so much potential. It's still entertaining and fun but needs something more.I also find it to be a lot more childish. They have returned back to the old slapstick comedy mixed in with zany situations. Luckily not every episode is weak, every now and then there will be a great episode that reminds you why you should keep watching the show..
    FusionFall123 Yes. This is recommended. It is funny, adventurous, and quite action-y.If you wont like this show, I don't know what will.This reminds me of The Big Bang Theory. Yeah. It does. Two nerds. A girl. Comedy. Definitely a hit series.If Walt Disney watched this, he would have tears of laughter and joy.It has the adventure and comedy you need to fit everyday. Just watch it and you'll automatically love it (After two or three more episodes...)Their theme song is nice too. I wish I could just memorize it, but I don't have the time for it.Although, there is some errors that need to be fixed. 1.) Kind of short. 2.) Needs some kind of arc. 3.) Needs more main characters.
    Tanya Lakhdar Okay, I don't rate a lot of things one star, but this was ONE exception! O_o...The end of the movie- *SPOILER HERE* so, loads of people got attacked by vampires and in the end its....3D GLASSES?!?! honest to god, it just ruined the movie, and whoever made this movie/TV series....let's just say i wont be watching any one of your movies anytime soon, okay? >:(some of the characters....wait, scratch that, ALL of the characters annoyed the hell out of me! B(i tried to sit through a whole episode- i just COULDN'T!!!!the stories are awful, peoples reactions are UNREALISTIC....EVERYTHING EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING ABOUT IT EVERYTHING ABOUT IT WAS EVERYTHING ABOUT IT WAS FAKE!!!!!the jokes are soooo obvious and IMPOSSIBLE to laugh at.... the stories are SO downright boring.... the characters are SOOOO messed up.... the adventures are SOOO unadventurous.... the action is SOOOO straight-forward and fake-looking....everything-and i can not stress this enough-about it was fake, boring and unrealistic.....i know this movie isn't MEANT to be like reality, but it was bad, bad, bad, crappy, bad, shitty, bad, bad, sucking, cry-able, terribly, bad....this movie reaches new levels of sucking, and unless you wish to lau-i mean cry at it, do not watch this.....i cry in touching movies, and its a good thing...... i cry in THIS (ughh...>:() movie, and its a really, really bad thing.... O_o my rating on a scale of one to ten- -10....
    bkoganbing This Canadian series shown here on this side of the border by the Disney Channel has an engaging goofiness about it. It's not great, but it is pleasant and endurable.It all started back in the film of the same title when young Matthew Knight who because he neglected to watch his baby sister now both have a babysitter. But both Knight and his friend Atticus Dean Mitchell are ecstatic beyond their wildest nerd dreams when they discover they've got super hottie Vanessa Morgan as the babysitter. But there is cause for concern when they discover My Babysitter's A Vampire.The leader of the vampires is dealt with in the film, but there are quite a nest of them, including at their local high school. And of course there are other kinds of unearthly creatures to meet every week to take care of as the boys are trying to pass trigonometry.As in the film the best and funniest character is Mitchell and Knight's friend Cameron Kennedy who was a cheerful nerd like them, but who becomes a vampire, but just can't quite get into the spirit of it.The Canadians have an inside joke here that I wonder how many of the kids who watch this on both sides of the border get. The name of the fictional town they're from is Whitechapel and that of course is the London district where Jack the Ripper was doing his thing back two centuries ago. Don't expect much from this, but I rather like it.