That's So Weird
That's So Weird
NR | 09 September 2009 (USA)
  • 3
  • Reviews
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
    Livewire242 I'll admit, I've only seen one episode. But it's not completely terrible. It's a show for kids, so you can't expect the most sophisticated humour. The jokes are all about how dorky your parents seem when you're a tween/teen. They do a version of Rick Mercer's "Talking To Americans" called "What Do Adults Know" that just falls flat. The most disappointing thing about the show is that they're so focused on one style of joke, they miss opportunities to be truly hilarious. But they give it a good shot, and occasionally come through with a chuckle.Unfortunately it's still way, way behind the gold standard in kids' comedy shows, You Can't Do That On Television (also from Canada).
    David Black In a way, this show is great. By great, I mean it's great if you love watching that obnoxious fat kid in your school try their hardest to be funny and relevant by barraging anyone he can get to pay attention to him for more than five minutes with goofy noises and "random" jokes that lose their appeal as quickly as they started, only to be incredibly awkward, creating an uncomfortable situation for everyone involved. Speaking of fat children nobody likes, there's always the over-protective and well-meaning mother behind him. The mother will say anything she can, think any way she can, to make her son and sometimes even herself believe that they're great, and special, and deserving of praise. As anyone who has a mother like this knows, though, the outside world will never see you as your mother does, and the truth is her worst enemy.Numbers, awards, and ratings do not indicate quality, they indicate appeal and popularity, and the three are separate things entirely. The vast amount of stupid crap that has been put on a pedestal for one reason or another is endless, and no amount of viewers will change the quality of that which they're viewing. You will not find a shred of value in this show, it does nothing that would warrant repeating and it will be forgotten along with the other waves of watered down teen comedy shows. If you'd like to believe the person who cast these idiot children and gave it a 10 star review, pleading within for "other ways" to judge it over the outside observers, that's up to you, but it's no more valid than the loving mother ensuring her fat autistic hillbilly child that he's cool.
    ZorEl67 We stumbled across the show purely by accident and I enjoyed it enough to come online and look up more info on the show origins on IMDb.Amazing and talented young cast that is very funny. Timely spoofs that the whole family can watch and enjoy (my kids are 7, 8 and we were all chuckling at it). For example - a nice little play on Glee and Lost = GLost. A Susan Boyle skit that was spot on. A "This is Daniel Cook" sketch that we all laughed about - the kids used to love that show and the spoof touched on things that the adults used to comment on when we were watching it with the kids.The writers are delivering some great material and the actors are doing some fun things with it.I was surprised by the negative review frankly. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of this great cast.
    Bern Ugh.. this show is absolutely horrible.It tries to be a Teen version of MADTV and flops. The skits are atrocious.. but that may just be because of horrible actors (that seem to be high school drama class drop outs) There isn't even eye candy to make it worthwhile to watch with the volume down.this is gross out potty comedy at it's worst. I can image the writing sessions go something along the lines of "here's an idea, no that won't work, let's run with it!!"Some of the ongoing gags (Like Raptoritus) aren't weird.. they are just stupid. I cant believe tax dollars are going towards this garbage.