TV-Y7 | 13 September 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
    Joanna Mccarty Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
    LittleMissThang666 We have an average family. Dad's a famous rapper, we have the "rebelious teenage daughter", the adopted white kid, and the cute little kid. And we have careless housemaid, what show has had a housemaid like that? Do we have a messed-up Brady Bunch? Yay! When it first came out I thought it was really cool, mostly because I was young. The music was bad. The raps were so bad and they were too g-rated. All of his raps were about his family and friends and problems. The dad was kind of the "Danny from Full House" type of dad. Always gave the advice out. But he wasn't a clean freak. They had a house-keeper for that. Remember? The plots were basically Lil' Romeo was in trouble of some sort, or... not that's it. Oh and maybe some preteen drama. Yeah that stuff is good. Not really. But its still a good show for kids. But Nikelodean could do better.
    lee481 The only cast member in this show that has talent is Erica O' Keith, a great deal of talent being wasted on this show. Everybody else on this show is a joke. Victoria Jackson's 15 minutes of fame should have ended a long time ago. When did Master P (Percy Miller) become a family values man and his son Lil' Romeo couldn't act to save his life. The show is slow and boring. Television, movies, and music has become a joke. There's talent out there but it's easier to manufacture images rather than talent. Maybe Erica O' Keith can get on That's So Raven. I think this show was trying to use some elements of that show for the Romeo show with a male lead. The show could have possibly worked with better cast. I am amazed it lasted as long as it did.
    Robbie14 I can safely say Nickelodeon is NOT doing a good job trying to get new material together. And this is clean proof right here. This show, Romeo, is by far one of the stupidest lame shows Ive seen in a long while! It's all Romeo, all the time! What about Mrs. Rogers, Gary, or heck, even Percy Miller himself?! But no, we get a talentless piece of garbage we all know as Romeo! And with a whole lot of dumb phrases, sayings, and special effects as well!But however, there is one little glimmer of light....VICTORIA JACKSON! Who is she, you ask? She's a former cast member on SNL, so you can just assume she's gonna be a barrel of laughs, and she is! She does a great job playing Mrs. Rogers, and she should get some more air time! But not even she can save this show from being a "Romeo-Fest".Score: **/***** (And I'm being nice giving this show 2 stars!)
    rscampb With shows like this it is small wonder Nick is still struggling to get viewers. After subjecting viewers to this bargain basement program the star should do the honorable thing, like his namesake, and fall on his sword. This one certainly qualifies as must miss TV.