Lipstick Jungle
Lipstick Jungle
TV-14 | 07 February 2008 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    newton291 I can't wait for season 3! Is there going to be a third season? I watched both seasons back to back and loved it. This is much better than Sex in the City. This show is worth watching and leaves you wanting more. I love that it does not just focus on their careers, they have a life outside of the job that you can believe. The dialog is better than's great! The fashion is good and I really like all the characters. The story line is better than Sex in the City because the character are much more realistic. There must be a season 3 in production. I hope the network is not suited up and stupid were they cancel the show because that would be a waste.
    Togmonity This show is so good. You can actually tell the characters apart. They have relationships and problems you care about. You can even identify with them. The dialog is not stupid. Finally, a show that doesn't feature sex crazed neurotic morons. This one is smart and every scene is so pretty. It's big budget all the way around. I love it. Please do not dumb it down or make it like every other lame show. I don't think it needs more sex. I think it's just fine, the way it is. I'm sick of all the idiotic shows on TV that have fast scenes, and trite one-liners that are obvious innuendo setups from the beginning. Are people really that dumb? Do writers/producers not see these shows fail over and over? Why do they keep underestimating the intelligence of the American public? On Lipstick, the guys are hot, and I like that the woman are older but hot too. You don't have to be 20 to look amazing. And I freaking love Victory Ford. I love all the characters but I love her the most. Seriously. Watch the show. I am a throw back fan from Melrose Place. This does not have near the same level of scandal but it has my attention just as well. I was originally worried that it would be too much of a Sex and the City ripoff but it really isn't. So if you're going into it worried that you're going to find Carrie and the girls, or even that you're not, don't worry-- it's worlds away from Sex. I also love Brooke Sheilds. Nico's character is growing on me, but I love her plot line. I love getting home on Thursdays, grabbing a glass of wine and settling in for the Lipstick Jungle. It really is the best way to close down the week because we all know Friday doesn't count! I do hope there's more scandal to come, but clever scandal, not just who's- sleeping- with- who scandal. Not that sex is bad, but it really should be more of a magnifier than the backbone. So far, Lipstick has proved just this, and I hope that its momentum keeps going.
    saratee Finally a replacement for sex and the city!!!!!!! ever since that show finished there's been a much need of something that measures even halfway. The shows these days are either too melodramatic,have too many characters without much depth or are a terrible attempt at comedy. Lipstick jungle is funny, casual, scandalous and non complicated. what i love about this show is that aside from its theme of power and relationships, there is depth to all the characters. The script is engaging and even if you can't relate to the characters, you can feel for them. I would highly recommend this show to everyone. Great acting, script and direction.bravo to the team!!!
    bernitas More sex scenes with Andrew! I think he's horribly sexy. Followed his career since his first movie "Class" - lots of sex scenes in that movie!!!!! I like Andrew's scenes with Victory. Can't go with Kirby, though - think he's a real turnoff especially after he's filed sexual harassment charges. After all, he stalked her.Nice to see Brook Shields playing a grown up. I liked her decision with the young actress. Too bad Brook's own mother over encouraged her to to stuff beyond her age - it was embarrassing. Nice twist in episode 3.Loved the "b----" written on the coat. It was deliciously funny and not normally seen in prime time.