Killer Women
Killer Women
TV-14 | 07 January 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    EarDelightBase Waste of Money.
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    pthomason77 Killer Women has it all. Tricia Helfer is great and so are the other cast members. Her boyfriend is a macho, yet sweet hunk. Her family is interesting with her brother, his wife & daughter all have their family stuff going on. Tricia can hold her own with all types of characters, female or male. The show's just sexy enough to be juicy! Also, you want to see what's gonna happen next, mystery, chemistry. ABC should have held onto this little gem of a show. Coulda been a HIT! Will surely miss it and so very sad that my new friends have gone! So many pretty people in Killer Women. I have recommended it to many friends and family. Wish there was a way to bring it back!
    angrypancho I was just writing someone about how my wife and I enjoy this show and I came onto its IMDb page to check on spelling when I find out this excellent show has been canceled!! This is a disaster and a sign the people at ABC haven't got the brains God gave a goose.The plots were not at all bad for this kind of show, but by far the truly special thing about this series was Tricia Helfer's performance. My wife and I tuned in, but when I saw the story revolved around a woman Texas Ranger, I was sure I was going to have to leave it to my wife to watch by herself. I've been watching TV for about 50 years and I've never seen a woman successfully pull off the attitude that kind of law enforcement role demands. I was truly shocked to watch Helfer do exactly that and immediately became a fan. Do you people really not realize how unique her performance is? I remember her from Battlestar Galactica but never really got into that show. I'm now sorry I missed it as this woman is phenomenally good. She kind of reminds me of a slightly better version of Famke Janssen which is saying a lot as I've always especially liked Famke's work.But it wasn't just Helfer's work that made this series a gem, all the supporting cast was in it 100%. No, I'm going to miss this show and find myself dying to vent at ABC for canceling it.
    byers-849-681424 There may be dumber programming yet to come this Spring season, but it's hard to imagine a sillier, more poorly written and acted program than Killer Women. This show has virtually nothing to recommend it. In perfect sync with Hollywood's penchant for marketing to the lowest common denominator, this program features a leggy, voluptuous, lady Texas Ranger played inexpertly and with an overdose of melodrama by Tricia Helfer, who's tough and tender. Gimme a break!Executive producer Sofia Vergara couldn't have demonstrated more clearly that she is not ready for prime time. Witless and ridiculous, "Killer Women" is merely Deadly Dull.
    plex The producers at ABC studios must have felt a little skittish about this one so they billed this show as a Sofia Vergara ( the Columbian bombshell from Modern Family) production, to seemingly intimate Sofia is stretching out and headed for Hollywood "playa" status and , of course, to help boost this show's viewer-ship on pilot night. Oddly, she listed as one of many producers, and not listed at all on the production list here at IMDb. Don't worry about that Sofia, be thankful. This show is truly lame on all accounts. Poorly written, directed and acted. This 1st installment has a cliché'd story-line with a couple of non-mainstream treatments, but those deviations defy credibility and showcase horrible execution. Our lead, Tricia Helfer, who looks like a model, is a Texas Ranger named Molly Parker. Amongst her abilities aside from traveling all over Texas and Mexico in an afternoon, changing clothes- 3 times in the 1st episode without so much as a butt-crack or side-boob slip, ranch handling, she also plays....hold it comes.....THE TRUMPET, AND at a professional level so high that when she plays, spontaneously jumping on the stage with the band ( I cant imagine where she was hiding her horn), magically she's and entire horn section ( typical Hollywood musician misrepresentation) making a monophonic instrument play harmonies!! I am sure there are female trumpet players in the world, but in my lifetime I have never seen one, and Im sure if I did, its not going to be a Texas Ranger. Not to be outdone in the inane-department, the previous scene had her deliver divorce papers to her senator/hubby, who had beat her repeatedly ( I guess Texas Rangers cant defend themselves or have beaters prosecuted) while saying in front of everyone in his meeting room " if you don't sign these I will tell everyone about your secret" : a powerfully scathing made-for-Hallmark moment if there ever was one. The trumpet scene immediately reminded me of those cheesy 60 shows where the episode ends in a saccharine-sweet way. Unfortunately, I don't see such an ending to this show, as it is sure to be yanked soon ( unless Ms Vergara uses her "assets" to keep it airing) but in all honesty she should run from this one. Pride only hurts, it never helps.