Killer Instinct
Killer Instinct
| 23 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
    Els Westhovens I really like the show. The cast is great and I love the chemistry between the characters. Maybe it's just because I'm European, but I think it all goes too fast. Sometimes it's difficult to follow. Instead of making a 60 min episode, why not 90 min or so? I think it's possible, and probably better. They could develop the characters more (Jack Hale, for example, is so interesting, I wish I knew more about him), show more of their private life, and show more of the investigations. The plots are great, but the murder cases seem to be solved in the blink of an eye. It's a good show, but it could have been excellent.
    dreambig28 I just found out the show will not be coming back. I don't know if this is a "spoiler" or not because I read it on this site but it sure does spoil things for those of us who really enjoyed the show. I don't think that this show was given enough time to catch on. I do believe that given a chance it will get a good number of viewers to keep it going. It was not "just another cop show". It had a few new twists that are lacking on other shows that are still going strong. The cast worked well together and were believable,the stories fresh and the plot lines not so transparent that you could guess the whole show in the first five minutes (as in most other shows of this genre). I for one will truly miss this show and hope that it is given another chance!!
    Mister-Rational I know what most of the TV critics are saying about this show. That it's characters are wooden, the murders are too gruesome to be allowed on TV, and the plot is overall boring. But I have two questions for those critics. Why is Killer Instinct still around, months after it premiered? Or why is it improving the FOX Network's Friday night time slot? No need for a reply, I'll answer it for them. The reason is because the SHOW IS ACTUALLY GOOOOOOOD! The basis for the plot centers around a cop named Jack Hale (Johnny Messner), who in the pilot episode returned from a 6-month hiatus, after his partner/lover died at the hands of a mysterious serial killer.From there on, Jack battles the most twisted serial killers in San Francisco using the full means of the DCU (Deviant Crimes Unit). Along for the ride, is his NEW partner, Danielle Carter (Kristin Lehman); who unlike most of the cops in the SFPD, she thinks Jack is one the best in the department.The only other friend Jack has in the department is Lt. Matt Cavanaugh, played by the superb, Chi Mcbride. Now that all the storyline is out of the way, I can tell you what is good about the show.The best part about watching Killer Instinct is JACK, JACK, and more JACK! This is a hero you haven't seen on TV before. Jack doesn't just hate criminals, he despises them. This may be due from the fact that his dad is a Serial Killer.In the pilot episode, Jack was trying to catch a killer who murders his victims with poisonous spiders. When Jack finally does find the killer, he plants one of the spiders on him and lets it bite the killer. NOW THAT'S JUST COOL! Finally, a TV hero that isn't afraid to cross the line of right and wrong! Chi McBride is also a great addition to the cast, as he adds a certain gentle, yet hard dramatics to the show. much like he did on Boston Public. Kristin Lehman is smart and OH SO SEXY! Her and Johnny make an impeccable match.All and all, I say Killer Instinct is definitely a show that the TV critics missed on. Just look at the facts. A handsome, dark hero, matched with interesting and twisted murder mysteries. What more could you ask for? I mean look at how the show is thriving and improving FOX's Friday night ratings. Just shows how much the TV critics know about what the people like to watch.
    ashber-1 At first I thought this show was going to be another rip off of CSI, the nice thing is, it's not. The lead detective Jack Hale is interesting, to say the least. His Father is a serial killer. As if his life wasn't going good enough in this respect, his partner was murdered by a serial killer Hale failed to catch. A dark show with a talented cast, including Chi McBride, who doesn't fail as the captain who like's and help's his detectives catch the bad guys. Not your Typical cop show, its one I plan on keep watching as long as FOX will play it. With it being on FOX, that means about this season only. Catch it while you can.