Judge Judy
Judge Judy
TV-PG | 16 September 1996 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    danieln-15525 Am I the only one that's absolutely positively fascinated with this person? I mean, wow, she's brilliant yet simplistic in her thinking, She forces one to think realistically just by her targeted questions. She's a truth machine and can pull the truth out of you in a second. And one main thing I love about her is that she absolutely gives you 100% respect when you are truthful and honest with her. I am a fan forever, and I thank her for always being consistent. By watching her show, it has truly helped me to be a better person, smarter and sharper in my thinking and my relationship with others. (and people - when she 'attack' someone is because she knows they are lying.)
    Rodger Mackenzie Judge Judy isn't fair at all, its just laughable, but the sad thing is that these cases are real (according to the show) and she can say "I don't believe you" and summarily dismiss the case based on her feelings which no other real judge would do. She seems to be completely delusional about what is right and wrong and her opinions are so random, its just not funny. Despite people having verbal agreements with each other, she doesn't take this into account, although this is completely random as well, even if the other party admits it in court, which in the real world is admissible as evidence. Her decisions vary according to the colors of a rainbow and she will dismiss a case when people are talking, claiming they don't have on their "Listening ears", how pathetic. Judgments are not based on fairness or reason, and people are often unable to talk because they are constantly interrupted by Judge Judy, who says constantly "Not interested". Evidence or statements parties have to backup their case are also summarily dismissed based on how much coffee she did or didn't have that morning. Don't waste your time watching this rubbish.
    videorama-759-859391 "They don't keep me up here cause I'm good looking", a line, delivered frankly, once by Judge Judy. There will only ever be one Judge Judy, and though I don't always agree with her ruling, she creates one heck of an entertaining show. I don't think she realizes, just how funny she really is, but aren't we forgetting the people (idiots) who come onto the show, to plead their case. They create a majority of the laughs, and must be complimented too. I love it how, from time to time, the black guard, throws an amusing comment in. Some of the cases are utterly unbelievable, like the people you see on Motorway, you just can't begin to fathom, their low intellect. You're really only see judge Judy smile, in the opening/introduction shots of the show, where she crosses her arms in a much satisfied deliberation. I've seen her in a bikini, and she's not that bad. So keep it up, Judy, for what you bring is justice to it's core, and 30 minutes of comedy gold, for which you are complimented dearly.
    madisonwisconsinite The scowling Judith Sheindlin is paid a very substantial amount of money to be mean and rude to poor people. Never before had anyone been paid SO much money to be so mean to so many people who have so little money. She looks very happy and friendly, smiling in the photo they show on the advertising to watch her show, but she says things to the "contestants" in her courtroom which we certainly would NOT tolerate if they were said by publicly paid judges. The insults we hear her hurl are often very offensive. "Shhhh!!!" and "just a second," she often admonishes the parties politely; but it doesn't take much for her to move on to her more natural rudeness. While she admonishes contestants not to use their own vernacular as the try to tell her their stories, she has no hesitation using Yiddish words that many or most of them don't understand. I wonder how often people are puzzled at the possible meaning of "kerfuffle." I do have to confess, I wouldn't mind hearing her explain to many of them that "axe" is not the way to pronounce "ask." Still, if you enjoy watching the wicked witch of the west in a nicer looking form, as she berates poor people, Judge Judy may be for you. I just don't think it is right for society to so substantially enrich an already wealthy woman who seems to so much enjoy being nasty to people.