Hot Bench
Hot Bench
TV-G | 15 September 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    HeadlinesExotic Boring
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    areos-02895 The male judge - Michael Corriero - bends over backwards to try to view women as innocent victims. He is also full of lectures to men along the lines of "Men pay for the little lady, do you understand young man?" He fancies himself a "real man" and intends to show other men how to be real men (with his high-pitched voice that goes even higher during his rants). He's disgustingly transparent.
    edmcrae-17011 This is just a dog and pony show of the court system. I will not watch this show anymore. It's a joke.Take it off TV please.
    rbguy-90494 To those that this show practices anything close to a fair evaluation of cases, sorry to inform you, it is a sham.I was on the show and have a deep knowledge of proper civil and alternative dispute resolution forums. Here are just some specific points to show how its just a television show posing as a legitimate legal forum:1. The actual court documents (e.g.,claims) are never reviewed by the television actors (they call themselves 'judges'). Instead, there is a one-paragraph explanation of the case created by the show's producers which is handed to the actors right before the show participants (they call them plaintiff and defendant) enter the stage (they call it a courtroom). It is filled with personal 'dirt' on the show participants which they focus on for television ratings, not the claims.2. If you try to present your case, evidence, or witnesses, the actors will shut you down, as they don't care because they only have 7 minutes with each set of show participants to ridicule, make fun, dig up dirt, and make an arbitrary decision. Remember, this show makes money on ratings and sensationalism, not a boring review of evidence as real courts do. 3. Although you will see the show participants take an oath, it is not enforceable as the show follows no rules of court or arbitration boards. In other words, the actors can do whatever they want as well as the participants, and there's no disincentive to lie, cheat, name call or do whatever they or the participants want. You'll notice the flags, robes, gavel are all for show and do not represent any state, federal or other legal entity.4. The show entices its participants to be on the show by offering a trip to L.A. and offering to pay the awards in the case. But after the participants agree, they are then sent an unconscionable 'arbitration' contract which takes away the participants rights to appeal, sue for defamation on national television, and states that no rules of any court or arbitration board are used. If you try to back out, they threaten the participants that if they don't sign the contract, they will hold the participants liable for $5-10K in show costs and travel and expenses of the participants. 5. Complaints to the California State Bar are useless. Again, this television show is not accountable to any legal body or follows any ADR rules. The Bar has no disciplinary oversight of attorneys who act as judges on the show. The Bar calls these 'judges' actors, not attorneys or judges. While these actors are current or past attorneys, they have questionable backgrounds, as Larry Bakman was disciplined by the Bar for domestic assault as an attorney. 6. Lastly, if you have a serious case in which you have financial damages, don't take it to this show. You'd have better luck flipping a coin on your chances for a fair hearing. They will use you as their punching dummy on national television for their benefit (not yours), and there's nothing you can do after they force you to sign their unlawful contracts.
    slalston This show is REALLY horrible. Strictly for entertainment purposes. DO NOT watch this show if you are interested in the law. The so-called "judges" make their rulings based on their opinions, not the law. They ignore evidence and fixate on areas that they want to focus on to support their pre-determined outcome of the case. I enjoy legal shows and I've really tried to watch and give them a chance. I can no longer do it. It is my understanding that Judge Judy created this show. I am really disappointed. Judge Judy is usually on point. My hope that she is only the "creator" of the program and has nothing to do with the day-to-day production or content of the show.