High School D×D
High School D×D
TV-MA | 06 January 2012 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    IslandGuru Who payed the critics
    Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    kinggrad-56375 Who need hentai anyway, this show this great! If I was given one show to watch everyday for the rest of my life this would be it, what a truly astonishing masterpiece you have here.
    cleit I'm giving this anime a 10/10 because of various reasons. First reason: The main character is not perfect. He is so imperfect that makes the character believable.Second reason: The plot is good, the universe that the anime is set in can get to be immersive.Third reason: Characters, characters in the series are not so relatable, but their personalities are remarkable and likable. Every character in the series is distinct from one another.Four reason: Rias Gremory, she is one of the best characters in the series. She is likable. Not only for physical appearance but also as personality. Fifth reason: a lot of people dislike Issei, he is a pervert, but his character is deeper than that. If the occasion requires it he will leave his perversion to act.Sixth reason: Characters have backstory. All of their stories are well explained and what lead them to be there is understandable.Seventh reason: Ecchi. The ecchi is really well managed on this anime, actual ecchi affects the plot in a way.Eight reason: Characters are not perfect, that's one of the reasons they are so likable. You can just see this by how they are physically example, Issei is smaller by just a bit than Rias.I can go on for another 20 more reasons but I will stop here.
    MarkyMarkus I wasn't too sure what to think about this show going into it. I found the plot synopsis pretty interesting so I thought I would check it surprised me in two ways. 1) the fan service was much heavier than I expected, not that I mind, but holy hell(no pun intended) I am talking tons of full frontal nudity and sexual imagery, and 2) its actually pretty good. It has an engaging plot, good characters, and comedy that extends beyond prat falls and accidental boob grabs. The story centers around Issei Hyodom, a pervert turned Devil and Rias Gremory, A voluptuous devil who is head of a prestigious family. They are solid characters who are much more than your typical harem anime archetypes. Is it the best anime out there? No, but it is a good watch that I would recommend, even if you aren't a fan of fan service. Though admittedly, If you don't like fan service, I could imagine some not liking it. I would say just try to look past it and enjoy a pretty good show.
    jackstarr777 This show certainly isn't for everyone. I couldn't recommend it to anyone other than young men, who will most certainly at least enjoy the constant nudity. But that shouldn't put everyone off. The series starts off seeming perverted, but as it progresses it starts getting soppy, cutesy and romantic. And so what? It's a boy's show, meant for boys at the kind of age where hot girls and breasts are all that matter, and in that area, it works.The main point of criticism I have is in the writing. Some of the dialogue, is, well, pretty embarrassing, but on the whole it's okay. And I couldn't help feeling that the plots could be better; that many things about the demons weren't explored as much as I wanted them to be. In fact, the writing goes out of the way to include something to with boobs or whatever, but I guess that's what the exploitation genre is all about.But still, the animation was very good, as was the music. Some of the battle sequences were thrilling, and the interactions between the main protagonist and his friends were pretty hilarious. On the whole, I enjoyed it; not for everyone, but if you're into this sort of thing, give it a go.