Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold!
TV-Y7 | 07 October 1996 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    jephtha The early 20th century saw the advent of Our Gang, or The Little Rascals, the incredibly charming series by Hal Roach that I personally consider one of the greatest shows ever made. In subsequent years, attempts would be made to recapture its magic, whether it was through animated adaptations or imitators. None were entirely successful, but then in the early 1990's came this little series that managed to come closer than anyone ever has. Whether this was a goal of the creators is not certain, but that's not important. Hey Arnold is one of the more uncommon Nickelodeon series, the kind that simply tries to follow the lives of ordinary people (or at least as ordinary as you can expect from a cartoon) while still making room for the more unlikely happenings. The result is surprisingly enduring, and even today it remains one of the network's best efforts.The series, basically, follows the everyday happenings of a fourth grader named Arnold and the people in his life, including the rest of his classmates and residents in the boarding house owned by his grandparents. It's a rather versatile premise that allows for many relatable tales that deal with such things as strained parent/child relationships, bullying, hero worship, school-work and, of course, secret crushes. There is also a wide range of tones seen in these short tales and events. Unlike such shows as CatDog, Spongebob Squarepants and Rugrats, Hey Arnold is a cartoon that has enough respect for its target audience to delve into some of the more sobering moments of life, such as heartbreak and coping with the loss of parents, while still maintaining an overall cheerfulness and humor that is typical of kids programming. This is what makes it a notably valuable series for kids to watch and, in my opinion, one that should be preserved.The cast of characters is impressive; not only for its sheer size but for how the series is able to devote sufficient time to each one of its members. Many of the episodes in the first season revolved around either Arnold or Helga, but in future seasons there was increased development in the lives and personalities of the other kids in their class, all of which have distinct personalities and problems to overcome. Harold, for example, has troubles with his weight, Patty has problems making friends because she is so intimidating, Stinky struggles to find his lot in life and Phoebe constantly works on her academics. It all bolsters the range of situations that these kids can get into and makes full use of the hardships of their age. But even beyond that the boarding house of Arnold's grandparents has a diverse group of residents with their own distinct quirks and backgrounds. I loved these people and learning about their lives, and watching them interact always amounted to great comedic effect.Just as important, character relationships are abound in this series, and they are not of the usual fare seen in children's programming; there are some complex, well-written interactions and dilemmas present. The centerpiece of this area is, obviously, the relationship between Arnold and Helga. Helga's secret crush on Arnold, which she hides behind a facade of irritability and cruelty, is one of the more compelling aspects, not only for evolution and development but also for bringing some of the most dramatically satisfying moments. The episode where Helga meets with a school therapist is probably the best example. Arnold himself also has a relationship with most of the other characters in the show, including just about all of his classmates and especially his grandparents (grandpa Phil is one of the best elderly characters of any cartoon).In the end, I suppose I can say that the big reason this show is so delightful is the same essential reason that A Christmas Story is a classic: a good understanding of human nature. The latter contains many moments that make the audience exclaim, "That is so true!" Likewise, Hey Arnold contains many relatable moments, and because of that we become emotionally invested in these characters. No better evidence for this exists than the holiday specials, which are, bar none, the best ones that the network has ever produced. Unlike the ones in the other animated programs, which focus more on comedy and cuteness, these represent a commendable effort to capture the essence of the holidays, particularly Christmas and Thanksgiving, and in a natural feeling manner that does not come across as preachy. This is partially because there was sincere effort in Hey Arnold to help the audience care for its characters, not merely as fictional toons that we are superficially attached to, but as real people that we can root for.The show saw its end in 2006, probably for the best. It never got the chance to see its quality suffer an immense downslope, and now all that is left to do is preserve what was made of it and appreciate it for what it brought us and could bring to those after.
    FH maqsood Hey Arnold is the real deal. I love everything about the show, from the art, to the characters and the music. I love the grungy and nostalgic feel of the show, the funny lines, but mostly the emotions behind it.Something about the show is so sincere, so relatable and real, it just stands out from all other cartoons. I mean, so many shows these days use shock humor or randomness to get a laugh, and rarely have moral dilemmas and complex characters trying to navigate through childhood like this show.This show is so under-rated its not funny. There are so many memorable lines, and the voice acting is hilarious. When I rewatch an episode it never fails to put a smile on my face.Nickleodeon, if you're reading this, we want more!!! Please continue this series.
    Nuz_Reviews "Move it football head!"Arnold still kind of reminds me of myself. He's very chill and shy at times, but can be quite overzealous about the littlest things. Plus, he always wore a hat, and so did I (except in school, which was dumb).Having various attributes that resembled New York City and Seattle, this childhood cartoon revolved around the lives of Arnold (who's last name was never discovered) and Helga Pataki, ironically both Arnold's secret admirer and nemesis. Hey Arnold! was like any other kid's show by trying to be a platform for life lessons; like bullies, love, leadership, and friendships. I thought these lessons were portrayed quite maturely given being a kid's show. However, my favorite aspect was the setting of the show.Network: NickelodeonOriginal Air Years: 1996-2004Hey Arnold! was one of the only cartoon shows to depict life in a dense urban environment. Even the show's music director, Jim Lang, used jazz as the primary theme music for Hey Arnold!. Very classy. Arnold utilized all forms of public transportation and most things were walking distance.I can distinctly remember episodes being revolved around organizing a sporting event. There was an episode where Arnold and all his friends restored an area to play baseball, and another episode that took place in the winter and the Grandpa made ice sports possible. It was just fun to imagine doing all these things as a kid. I hope it inspired most to go outdoors.8/10 Stars
    Dragonsonic "Hey Arnold!" is my second most favorite Nicktoon, next to "The Angry Beavers" and I must say that this was certainly one of the most memorable Nicktoons I have ever seen! "Hey Arnold!" is about a football-headed boy named Arnold who would go through many trials during his life at a boarding house to life in school. What I loved about "Hey Arnold!" was the characters since they were all very interesting to look at. My favorite character would have to be Arnold because he is so calm in many crazy situations that take place on this show and he also provides good advice to his classmates whenever they are in a tight situation. I also love Helga, especially when she teases Arnold and then declares her love for him behind his back. "Hey Arnold!" had an unique way of combining humor and moral lessons for the audience that made this show interesting to watch. "Hey Arnold!" is probably one of the greatest Nicktoons ever created next to "Rocko's Modern Life" and "The Angry Beavers" and I will always treasure its morality and humor for many years.