TV-PG | 24 September 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    LastingAware The greatest movie ever!
    MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
    Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    gridoon2018 "Haunted" was cancelled before even one whole season was aired; in most cases that is a hasty decision by TV executives, but in this case you can sort of see their reasoning. First of all, it's hard to stay engaged in a TV series when there is really only one lead, and he spends about 80% of the time moping. The show is also visually dreary - it looks as though it was shot through smudged sunglasses (even the daylight scenes are dark). There are too many standalone episodes, and the only two significant arcs - Simon the persistent ghost and Kevin the missing son - are left entirely unresolved. The rules of Frank's dealing with ghosts are also muddled. "Haunted" does have some atmosphere, and there are a couple of good episodes (like the one with Simon possessing the body of Frank's ex-wife's boyfriend - got that?), but on the whole it's a mediocre show and Matthew Fox should thank his lucky stars that "Lost" came along and rescued his career.
    swarner1 I know it's been about a year and a half, and I should probably let it go, but I really want to know if anyone has any idea what happened to this show? I was very into it and feel like I was left hanging. I want to know what happened to the characters, especially Frank and his wife. It was so well written, and the actors did such a great job of pulling you in and making you care. If anyone knows why this show was taken off the air, I'd love to know. I even emailed the station right after it was taken off and asked, but never got a response.Oh well. Thanks!A very disappointed fan
    Heath McKnight I only saw a couple of episodes and was VERY disappointed to see it cancelled. Man, that sucked! I hope it comes out on DVD soon; this was probably the only show I wanted to try and see if I could work on an episode, it was THAT cool!
    lucadude I've seen the first two episodes of the show so far and I am majorly hooked. Whoever wrote that pilot should be commended because I am hooked. Ever since the Sixth Sense, everyone just assume that these ghosts should just "jump out and tell what's wrong." I think the way the show works it is so much better since you are dealing with spirits entering this weird dimension where they are stuck between worlds. Personally I had always thought the shaggy haired, 7 o'clock shadow Matthew Fox from Party of Five was a major toolbag until I saw this show. He's proven me wrong and stepped up to deliver a great performance in very well developed role. Personally, I hope that people start tuning in and supporting this show (like you Buffy and X-File fans out there) and avoid another sad incident of shows killed way before their time (like Brisco County jr and Lone Gunmen).