TV-G | 21 June 2016 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    skyking-14 I don't understand why, in the last few years, so many prime-time shows that feature a African-American majority ensemble, seem determined to portray characters that re-enforce so many of the negative racial stereotypes! Whether it's Greenleaf, Empire or the Real Housewives of Atlanta, they are too often portrayed as violent, immoral, drug using criminals. You don't change prejudices by re-enforcing them! Basically, this seems like a revival of the 70's blacksploitation genre on steroids.
    sisay-99156 This show had all the potential needed for a great series: a secretive family with all it's flaws, the hypocrisy embedded in religious circles etc. But bad writing combined with one-dimensional characters put it at risk. I only watch it to gorge on Keith David and I am a sucker for gospel music. Being gay I hoped that the gay character in the show would be someone to relate. But alas! You will have to look harder to find a more one deimentional a character. The gay love scene we have so far seen is laughable. How disappointing! So dishonest! If a gay character is to be believed and be authentic, he/she has to "do" something! What, are supposed to take the producers word for it? Reminds you the gay character from Melrose Place. It is so symptomatic of the fear of anything gay that permeates the black production community. Be bolder, dammit! If the actors can't go "all the way", find gay ones!
    wendohpayne I see great potential for an interesting look at the inside world of wealth. power and the cloak of holiness. David Keith is a master in delivering dialogue. I love Lynne Whitfield as the matriarch with some obvious issues, yet to be revealed I hope. As the series continues, I (dare I say it?) pray the writers become more confident and provide more realistic speaking styles. The decor of the home, church and offices are beautifully done.Kudos to production staff. I admire the modern styling of the characters. An accurate mix of traditional, natural, ethnic clothing and hairstyles. Multi-racial actors in all types of roles. In fact, the realistic relationship between Grace and her daughter is something I can identify with. Thanks for that. I'm excited that Ms. Winfrey supports this type of project.
    Jason Daniel Baker The story of a Southern mega-church headed by a family of sly hypocrites. Living in luxury and wielding influence how deep does the spirituality they claim really run? Are their sins products of their own human frailty exacerbated by a difficult world? Or are they bad people pretending to be holy? It is about time a TV series dealt with the world of organized, profit-motivated religious organizations. A night-time soap take on an African-American mega-church in the Deep South is a novel approach to that telling the stories of people that have not yet been properly told in a fictional construct.But my praise ends there. A solid cast in an interesting setting largely goes wasted in teleplay scripts so inept that they look like film school dropouts wrote them.I love night-time soaps. I like the idea for this show as well as the story and the characters and the angle they take in relating the narrative. It is an imagined glimpse into a secret world of powerful people who profess piety and modesty but can't live it and we get to see them at their best and worst. I want to see it get multiple seasons.But the scripts have to get better. They need to be outlined better and the dialogue needs to be more subtle in relaying information as well as doing so in a natural manner in which real people speak. So far they have tried to cram too much information in each sentence