Good Witch
Good Witch
TV-G | 28 February 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    pattihampton I love the show and the cast. I watched the movies every time they came on, repeatedly, and I binge-watch the reruns on Netflix (also repeatedly). Season 4, Episode 1 did not disappoint and was very well done. I do kind of wish Sam had given Cassie her ring at a gathering of their friends and family, but the way he did it was intimate and special. Wonder what Ryan, John and Sam's ex will think of all this? Or will they be written out of future episodes?
    frederickdouglass-37278 I really don't like writing bad reviews, especially for great shows like this. This is a wonderful show full of wonderful lessons. That is why I would like to continue to watch with my kids. However, Abagail is far too cutthroat for this show to help kids develop a moral compass. I know that sounds weird, using a show to help kids, but they learn from TV already so we ought to help this by providing good shows for them to learn from. I am very sad to say this, but I can't watch this with them.
    mshavzin It could be written off as the typical Hallmark brainless twaddle, and mostly it is. But I resent it masquerading as a family show. Sure, it never shows people having sex. But that in itself is not enough to make it a clean show. Cassie does not act like a mother should. She doesn't even act like a grown woman should. She is very promiscuous, sleeping with as many as three men at the same time. Also, for this to be a family show, it should show a family, Not a single mother badly raising a teenage daughter. The daughter is ill mannered, snarky, headstrong, and has the same lame powers of boring new ageism as the mother. She is also really rude and not very understanding to the boys she likes. Hardly something I would want my daughter to emulate. The men who flock to Cassie are completely unrealistic. One is a distinguished academic that looks like a washed up male model. The other is a plumber that looks like a washed up male model, which is somewhat more likely. The idea that any man would want to be around Cassie and er brat does make you think that magical powers are at play. Its not really helpful. The show always ends with Cassie sporting a smug smile you desperately want to beat off her face with a blunt object, and saying something from a lame self help book. Oh, lets not forget that vegan and holistic propaganda. If you are not in favor of either of those things you will REAL:LY hate this show.
    Marie Morgan I'm giving a couple stars to the beautiful location in Canada. Otherwise: A) The scenery chewing ham playing the mayor is too annoying to believe anyone would vote for her. B)Every episode characters receive cryptic magical instruction from Cassie. Then when someone thanks her, she smirks and says, "What for?" (More smirking smirking smirking) C) Nothing can be just for fun with these poor characters - every activity is a preachable yaseetimmy moment for someone. D) Super annoying kids. A pretty boy pouting doesn't make him the "bad boy." We're supposed to believe a 20 year-old baby-faced girl is a big time reporter who gets sent to the Middle East? And especially E) It's almost painful to look at Catherine Bell's collection of plastic surgeries, botox, and plumping. Her upper lip looks like she's just been to the dentist for some major procedure.