TV-14 | 24 September 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
    Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
    gavinmcc83 I watch Black-ish with my wife and four children - we absolutely love it. All the cast are brilliant but for me Junior steals the show. Has me howling with laughter at times.What I really fail to understand and also why I'm choosing to leave a 10 star review.... Is why does Modern Family have an 8.5 rating and Black-ish don't. Our family love these shows equally. Strange... agendas maybe?! Hmmmm.Keep doing your thing Black-ish.
    MNKim1967 I used to really enjoy watching "Black-ish" - the writing was innovative and the cast was (and still is) stellar. I empathized with story lines highlighting major social occurrences and issues, and, as they mirrored my own thoughts and feelings, it made the series more relevant to me and that much more enjoyable to watch. I laughed wholeheartedly at the satire and looked forward to the next, new, episode each week. However, the series has evolved, and where it's gone is just plain mean. The show is supposed to be a comedy but it's turned into a scripted, serial bully. I pass, now, and think they should change the title to "Hate-ish" - it's a much more apt descriptor.
    helenleonard-24849 I absolutely love this show! It is the best show I have watched in a long time. I literally watch it almost all day and rarely get tired of it. It is my currently my favorite show. Every single on of the cast members are hilarious. I love the topics because their very relatable.
    delkhl First, I love this show and ALL the actors as well as the writers. This episode deals with the aftermath of the recent Pres. election. There were a few comments where, when first heard, I thought, ...don't know about that...but upon reflection deducted my preconceived ideas about race and political correctness and thought "well, hell, say it like it is". The show left me without words. How creative, sympathetic to every individual, sad, happy, disgraced, enlightened, and most importantly in the end, HOPEFUL. Thank you cast and crew for creating something meaningful for these prevailing times of uncertainty. From one human to another, with love, Del